2706737_TN_ACM_s15DoDEA_test - page 7

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Place “Do Not Disturb” (back cover) sign outside closed door of testing room.
Provide a quiet environment with proper lighting and good ventilation.
Distribute assessment materials.
Have students write their name in the space provided on the student book.
Follow instructions in the Test Directions for Teachers.
Be sure to remind students
TerraNova, Third Edition
Multiple Assessments, Levels 13–19, to mark
answers in their student books. Third-grade students taking CAT Plus Mathematics
Computation must also mark answers in their student books. Students taking CAT Plus
Mathematics Computation, Levels 14–19, must mark answers on their answer sheets.
Review rules for marking answers in the student books or on answer sheets with
the students.
• Scratch paper is not scored and must be discarded.
• Marks must be made in pencil.
• Marks must be dark. Fill in the circles completely.
Do not place an “X” in
selected-response circles.
• Erasures must be clean; no extraneous marks should be visible.
Administer the assessment as directed in the Test Directions for Teachers.
Check that students are marking in the correct place on the answer document. Students
taking the CAT Plus should use the Mathematics Computation grid on the Plus answer
on the answer document in the Multiple Assessments student book (page 2).
Observe all “stop” and “start” commands and time limits.
Following the Assessment Session Each Day
Check student answer documents for stray marks and physical condition. If students
received Testing Accommodations, ensure that the correct information is filled
in on the Student Data Grid page for Multiple Assessments (page 29) and on the
Student Information Form for CAT Plus (page 28). If students received Testing
Accommodations, ensure that the correct information is filled in (pages 28–33).
Please ensure that the completed Student Information Forms are placed in the
appropriate student books.
Complete Group Information Sheets (GISs). An accurate GIS must be placed on top of
each group of student books whose scores are to be reported together (pages 34–35).
Return assessment materials to the Assessment Coordinator at the end of each testing
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