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1342.12 Companion

July 12, 2017

Page 90


Additional persons at the discretion of the parents or the school, who have knowledge or special

expertise regarding the child or the IDEA, including but not limited to related services personnel,

if they have worked with or are expected to work with the student.

Preparation for IEP Modification Meeting

Before the modification meeting, the special educator(s) and related service provider(s) have the

responsibility to:


Provide parent with Notice of Meeting;


Review the criteria for progress toward goals as specified in the IEP;


Prepare progress report summary specific to the IEP’s goals/(objectives);


Discuss and record pertinent information related to current classroom performance; and


Send the parents a draft copy of Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional

Performance and goals (and objectives) for the new IEP. This draft is based on the

recommendations made by the classroom teacher(s), the special educator(s), and related

service personnel after considering the progress reported on the current IEP.

Responsibilities of the Case Manager at the Conclusion of the IEP Modification Meeting

The Case Manager has the responsibility to:


Provide the parents with prior written notice at the conclusion of the IEP modification meeting

that outlines what the CSC is proposing and any items that the CSC refused; and


Provide parents with completed copy of the modified IEP.

Dismissal of Special Education Services

DoDM 1342.12

E4 S7 p 31

Dismissal of special education services indicates the student will no longer be eligible for special

education and related services. This will occur after the student has been evaluated and found ineligible

by the CSC. Documentation for the dismissal including the educational progress report is recorded in

the CSC minutes/PWN. A variety of assessment tools and strategies used to make the determination

may include and is not limited to the following:

Formal standardized assessments (parent permission required)

Record reviews to identify areas of strengths and needs

Student and parent surveys and interviews

Classroom observations

Teacher(s) reports

System-wide assessments

Criterion-referenced assessments