Copyright © 2014 by CTB/McGraw-Hill LLC
Attention Assessment Administrators
Review the types of identified accommodations
in advance
to determine what will be required.
For example, an assessment that requires students to construct their own responses may necessitate
different accommodations than an assessment that requires only selecting responses to questions
Identifying Accommodations
The accommodation area, type of accommodation, and category designation are listed in this
section. This list of accommodations is not all-inclusive.
In instances when the IEP team or school
accommodation plan committee chooses to identify additional accommodations (not listed below),
the District CSI/Assessment/Program Evaluation ISS must be consulted to provide guidance in
assigning the appropriate category (see below for category explanation).
For additional information
regarding accommodations, refer to the SPED Procedural Guide, Chapter 13,
System-wide Assessment:
Accommodations Alternate Assessment.
Accommodations Approved by DoDEA
What are PRESENTATION accommodations?
Presentation accommodations allow students to access instruction and assessments in ways that do not
require them to visually read standard print. These modes of access include auditory, tactile, visual, and a
combination of auditory and visual accommodations.
Who can benefit from PRESENTATION accommodations?
Presentation accommodations can benefit students with print disabilities, defined as having difficulty or the
inability to visually read standard print because of a physical, sensory, or cognitive disability.
Area: Presentation Accommodations
Type of Accommodation
CAT. 1 CAT. 2 CAT. 3
Use Braille or other tactile form of print.
Use a large-print edition of the assessment.
Use visual magnification devices.
Use PDF version of the test form.
Change background color or font size.
Use tactile graphics (e.g., maps, charts, illustrations).
Have directions and/or questions presented through sign language on
reading/language/spelling tests.
Have directions and/or questions presented through sign language,
EXCEPT on reading/language/spelling tests.
Have directions read aloud.
Repeat, reread, and/or clarify directions to student.
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