2706737_TN_ACM_s15DoDEA_test - page 27

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English Language Learner Accommodations
Accommodation-Classification Framework
Accommodations that support ELLs are divided into two components: Linguistic and Linguistic Support.
Linguistic Accommodations (presentation and response) assist the ELL in processing the language of
the test.
Linguistic Support Accommodations (timing/schedule, setting, and socio-cultural) help the ELL in
processing the language of the test by adjusting the context in which the test is administered.
Socio-cultural factors include the home environment, community attitudes, student’s personal
characteristics, parental involvement, educational background, acculturation, and classroom
interactional styles.
Behaviors associated with socio-cultural factors that may affect an ELL
in processing the language of the test are anxiety, distractibility, resistance to change, fatigue,
withdrawal, stress-related behaviors, and confusion.
Each type of accommodation is placed into one of three categories (Categories 1, 2, and 3) that represent
the potential effect the accommodations may have on the results and interpretation of individual student
The three identified categories of accommodations are:
Category 1—These accommodations are not expected to affect student performance in a way that will
alter the interpretation of assessment scores or what is being measured.
Category 2—These accommodations may affect the interpretation of individual tests.
Category 3—These accommodations may affect the interpretation of the test and may also change what
is being measured.
The recording of each accommodation and category must be entered on individual student books,
answer sheets, or online software by the assessment administrator.
Rivera, C.,
“Reasonable Accommodations” for English Language Learners: Making State Assessment Accessible to All,
The George
Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education, June 2003.
Butler, F., & Stevens, R.,
Accommodation Strategies for English Language Learners on Large-Scale Assessments: Student
Characteristics and Other Considerations
, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, October 1997.
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