Writing Practice Kanji Practice

Can you recognize the following kanji? 先、年、時、分、曜、間、語、行、見、話

Let's practice your Kanji. Click Practice or click Begin below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.

graded practice Kanji Typing

You are going to type the new kanji. You may practice in your own word processor as many times as you want until you get used to typing them. You will complete an assignment covering this material.

  1. teacher
  2. one year
  3. three o'clock
  4. Monday
  5. Japanese language
  6. to speak
  7. to go
  8. to watch, to see
  9. Wednesday
  10. the fourth class

Writing Practice More Kanji Practice

Click Kanji Practice or click Begin below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.

Culture How do you go to school?

How do you go to school every day? Do you drive? Do you go on a school bus? Do you walk? Let's see how we could express these things in Japanese.

Taxi Subway School bus Car Walking
タクシーで 行きます。
ちかてつで 行きます。
バスで 行きます。
くるまで 行きます。
あるいて 行きます。

There are a couple of other ways you could say you go somewhere, but it isn't likely that you would go to school in these ways.

Boat Airplane Train Motorcycle
ボートで 行きます。
ひこうきで 行きます。
でんしゃで 行きます。
バイクで 行きます。

Writing Practice Writing Practice

Look at how each of the following people say they go to school, as shown in the picture you see. Write a sentence expressing this in Japanese.

After you have written the sentences in your notebook, click each picture to see if you are correct.

田中さん Train
山本さん Subway
ともだち Walking
いもうと Bus
先生 Motorcycle


Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part G.

Now go to Section 2, Part A