Writing Practice 何を する つもりですか。何を する よていですか。

つもり means “an intention” and よてい means “a plan” in Japanese. Now we will talk about what you intend/plan to do.

Answer the questions below logically based on what one would normally to plan or intend to do in the situation given. Write your answers in your notebook. Then click each link to see the answer.

学校の プールで 何を する つもりですか。
おんがくの じゅぎょうで 何を する よていですか。
学校で 何を する つもりですか。
コンピューターで 何を する つもりですか。
としょかんで 何を する よていですか。
ほうかご 何を する よていですか。
しゅうまつは 何を する よていですか。

Listening Assignment Prepare: Listening

Prepare for an assignment using the recordings below. Click Play to listen to the speaker as often as you need. You will answer the questions and write your responses using complete sentences.

  1. Listen
  2. Listen
  3. Listen
  4. Listen
  5. Listen
  6. Listen
  7. Listen
  8. Listen

Culture Cleaning Duty at School

cleaning duty at school In many schools, each はん (group of students) takes turns cleaning a designated area every week, such as the classroom and corridor, the gym, the entrance hall and special classrooms. They use brooms, dustpans, hand cleaning mops (ぞうきん), and sometimes handled mops.

Each school designates a specific time for cleaning, the most common times being during the lunch break or after school. Cleaning equipment is stored in each classroom. At the end of the term, a thorough cleaning (おおそうじ) is undertaken, including tasks that cannot normally be done such as waxing the floors. (Source: TJF Mini Encyclopedia)

Writing Practice Vocabulary Practice

Practice your new vocabulary in this practice activity. Please remember not to hurry through vocabulary activities. Vocabulary is essential in learning a new language. Click Check for Understanding or click Vocabulary Practice below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.

Vocabulary Practice



Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part F.

Now go to Section 1, Part G