時間わり、Class Schedule
As a student in a school in the United States, you have a school schedule that is fixed. If you are not on a "block" schedule, you go to the same class first hour each day, correct? If you are on the block schedule, you have a schedule that varies some. Let's look at the school schedule below for María Inés, a student in a public school in the United States. Yours may look similar to this.
時間 |
月曜日 |
火曜日 |
水曜日 |
木曜日 |
金曜日 |
一時間め |
日本語 |
日本語 |
日本語 |
日本語 |
日本語 |
二時間め |
すうがく |
すうがく |
すうがく |
すうがく |
すうがく |
三時間め |
せいぶつ |
せいぶつ |
せいぶつ |
せいぶつ |
せいぶつ |
四時間め |
おんがく |
おんがく |
おんがく |
おんがく |
おんがく |
五時間め |
ぶんがく |
ぶんがく |
ぶんがく |
ぶんがく |
ぶんがく |
六時間め |
えい語 |
えい語 |
えい語 |
えい語 |
えい語 |
七時間め |
ちり |
ちり |
ちり |
ちり |
ちり |
八時間め |
たいいく |
たいいく |
たいいく |
たいいく |
たいいく |
It is fine if your schedule does not look like this. It might look similar or it might look quite a bit different.
Notice along the left hand side. The numbers given in bold face are not the numbers we have learned before. They are known as ordinal numbers. Look at the chart below.
一時間め | the first period |
二時間め | the second period |
三時間め | the third period |
四時間め | the fourth period |
五時間め | the fifth period |
六時間め | the sixth period |
七時間め | the seventh period |
八時間め | the eighth period |
九時間め | the ninth period |
十時間め | the tenth period |
Two other words that are helpful when putting things in order are:
つぎの じゅぎょう | next class |
さいごの じゅぎょう | last class |
学校の先生(School Teacher)
What do you call your teacher? Mr. Smith? Mrs. Jones? In Japanese, it is customary for the students to call their teachers スミス先生 or ジョーンズ先生. Teachers are not called by their first names.
Graded Assignments
Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part H.