Module 2: Section 4

Compare and Contrast: How to Write a Comparison

After you have begun to organize your information, you can start to write your comparison. Let’s say you are using your information to write a persuasive paper on why basketball is a better sport than soccer. When comparing two things or ideas, avoid writing just a list of similarities and differences. This can be quite boring! Look at the following examples:

Instead of: In soccer, the ball is kicked into the goal for a point. In basketball, the ball is thrown into the net for a point."

Try this instead: The graceful basketball player dribbles the ball and weaves in and out through her opponents to the final destination, the basketball net. The soccer player, on the other hand, dribbles the ball with her feet, kicking her way down the grassy field, finally 'shooting' the ball past the goalie and into the rectangular net at the end of the field.

Can you see how altering the word choice and adding details improved the second example? Next, we’ll look at tips for structuring paragraphs.