Module 2: Section 3

Introduction to Literary Elements: Story Structure

In this course, you will read a mixture of fiction and nonfiction. These are categories that you should already be familiar with: fiction is a literary genre (type) that is completely made up by the author’s imagination. The characters, setting, and events may resemble reality or may be fantastic. Nonfiction is a genre that refers to stories that are based on real people and events. This includes informational text, such as journals, newspapers, and encyclopedias.

In the next section, you will be introduced to elements of mythology. Myths are stories that explain natural or social events. Myths and other fictional stories generally follow a story or narrative structure.

Story structure includes the characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. Most stories generally follow the same format. At the beginning of the story, you are introduced to the main characters and setting. Then, you find out that the main characters face some sort of problem or conflict. They begin to face the challenge, and eventually the events come to a climax. After the problem is solved or encountered, the story begins to wrap up and eventually reaches its conclusion. See the graphic below.

graph of story structure depicting point where different story elements fall