Module 2: Section 3

"Destruction" Mythology: Flood Myths

decorativeFlood myths are found in many cultures of the world. Across cultures and times, the flood myth keeps appearing as a “reminder” of the destruction the gods can unleash if provoked. In most myths, prior to the flood, humans have behaved poorly, angering their gods. The gods become disappointed because humans were created to sanctify the gods (to show how powerful or holy the gods were). Because of this disappointment, they are willing to destroy every living thing on earth as punishment. In most flood myths, humanity is destroyed, with only a few people remaining alive to rebuild civilization. The “survivors” are usually above reproach and have devout, pure souls. The complete destruction of the known world of the myth-tellers is the result of gods who have been insulted by the behavior of the humans. The gods want to rid the world of the evil and begin anew with a race that will respect the gods and their wishes.

A rebuilding usually follows the flood myth. Humans start over and build new civilizations that replace the old. The structures of life are put in order and recreated with the good on top and the evil absent. This shows the resilience of the ancient peoples around the world. Even though horrendous flooding decimates humanity, the survivors turn to their gods once more for strength. Civilization then repairs the problems that led to the first flood. In this way, creation and flood myths are often interlinked and impossible to separate from each other.