Module 2: Section 3

Story Elements - Setting and Plot: Natural Phenomena and Geography

decorativeMyths usually tell the story of how a particular region came to have unique characteristics. For example, mythology might explain why a region has a certain climate, weather patterns, or geological features such as craters or mountains. Ancient people obviously knew about weather changes, seasonal patterns, or occurrences such as storms, but they lacked the scientific knowledge to understand why they occurred. Cultures would create stories explaining the links between human and animal mothers and Mother Earth to explain the wonders of creation and destruction. Sometimes, these stories include references to the “bonds” between earth and sky, drawing on rituals of unity or matrimony from an individual culture.

An example of this would be a story that depicts “mother” Earth and “father” sky (rain), who, when united, bring forth a bountiful crop (corn or produce that grows from seeds planted in the ground). Disharmony between these supernatural beings and humanity, or conflict between supernatural beings, could explain natural events such as hurricanes or earthquakes that brought destruction to the landscape and communities.

Story Elements - Characters: Animals

Animals play key roles in many myths. The supreme beings of many cultures frequently took on the form of animals. Often, animals played a key role in the well-being, survival, and everyday lives of a culture. The type of animals in mythology would also be specific to the region of the culture represented.