Module 2: Section B

warm-upSection Warm-Up

A split photo, with soccer players on one side and a rock concert on the other

Every argument has two sides. What were the two sides of your last argument? Did you want to skip out on soccer practice to go to a concert? Did your coach insist that a concert was not a reasonable excuse for missing a practice? Did you explain how you have loved this band since the fifth grade and that this was the last concert that they would ever play? Did he say the state finals were in two weeks and if your team wins it will be the first time in the history of the school? Who won in the end? Probably the person with the most logical argument and the best evidence.

Let's look at a real life debate. Click the play button to watch the video and be sure to take notes. Draw a line down the center of your note paper. Listen for the main idea (thesis) of each side of the debate and write the two theses near the top of your notes. As each side speaks, write down the evidence the spokesperson presents. At the end, you decide which side won the debate.

Text Version

In this section you will formulate arguable theses and determine the best types of evidence available to use. Before long, your persuasive skills will leave that coach buying you the tickets to your concert.