Key Concept Comparatives

The following adverbs are often used in comparative sentences;ずっと far more, もっとmore,すこし or ちょっとa little.

うしは、いいです。 (牛は、いいです。) とりは、もっといいで す。 (鳥は、もっといいです。)

If the adjective is わるい もっと わるい
If the adjective is いい もっといい

practice Writing Practice

Let's see if you can answer these questions in Japanese using complete sentences. Write this activity in your notebook and then click each question to see a correct response.

  1. ねこは ぶたより おおいですか。(猫は、豚より 多いですか。)
  2. はえは、ぞうより きれいですか。(蠅は、象より 綺麗ですか)
  3. うしは かえるより おおいですか。(牛は、蛙より 多い.ですか。)
  4. しかは かめより はやいですか。
  5. へびは さかなより いいですか。

game Vocabulary Practice 1

When you feel you have practiced enough, continue to practice the vocabulary along with their English equivalents in this activity. Click Vocabulary Practice or click the button below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.


Vocabulary Practice #1


game Vocabulary Practice 2

When you feel you have practiced enough, continue to practice the vocabulary along with their English equivalents in this activity. Click Vocabulary Practice or click the button below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.


Vocabulary Practice #2


Total Physical Response Activit Let's Move!

Science has proven that the more of your senses that are engaged in an activity, the more learning takes place. Doing this activities as you are asked to do will help you to internalize the meanings of the words and will also sharpen your listening skills. So, listen and then do what you are asked to do. The exercises may seem repetitive, but remember repetition is the key. When you finish with this presentation, be sure to take the TPR 1F Quiz.

Click TPR or click the button below to view and do the Let's Move!

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.


TPR - Let's Move

Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part F.

Now go to Section 2, Part A