1342.12 Companion
July 12, 2017
Page 9
The primary role of the CSC is to meet the individual needs of students. Therefore, the CSC is
responsible for those activities directly related to a specific student including:
Assessing the nature and severity of the disability.
Determining whether the student requires special education and related services.
Establishing and implementing specific written procedures to ensure parents are aware of all
procedural safeguards (e.g., confidentiality, protections in evaluation, due process, and least
restrictive environment) and that school personnel follow the procedural safeguards in the
Issuing a written eligibility determination report that contains the following:
A description of the nature of the student's disability(ies) as defined in the criterion for
each recognized disability i
n DoDM 1342.12E9 p 80-82;
A synthesis of the formal and informal findings of the multidisciplinary assessment
team, including current academic progress and/or educational performance;
A summary of information from the parents, the student, or other persons having
significant previous contact with the student; and
A list of the educational areas affected by the student's disability and a description of
the student's educational needs.
Developing, reviewing, and revising the student's IEP and monitoring its implementation.
Determining whether a disabled student’s conduct violates school rules and regulations (and for
a non-disabled student, might result in suspension or expulsion) and is related in whole or in
part to the disability. The CSC reviews the student's IEP and educational needs, including
behavioral plan, and considers modifying the IEP, and/or considers additional assessments (see
Chapter 12on discipline).
Determining degree of progress for IEP goals using an outcome-based measure as criteria for
Ensuring placement for each student in the least restrictive environment and removal from the
general education environment only if the nature and severity of the disability is such that
education in the general education classes with the use of supplementary aids and services
cannot be achieved satisfactorily.
Roles in the CSC Process
CSC designated lead or chair person
Oversee and coordinate the CSC process in the school, which includes:
Ensure compliance with timelines and regulations;
Coordinate special education process from referral to IEP;
Maintain the student management database;
Maintain special education files
( DoDM 1342.12E4 S16 p 44);
Coordinate or schedule all CSC meetings;
Disseminate schedule to necessary CSC members;
Facilitate CSC meetings as assigned; and
Take minutes at CSC meetings as assigned.
The CSC coordinates with others and is the contact for case managers, Student Services Team
(SST) coordinator, general education, Early Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS),
Exceptional Family Members Program (EFMP), and parents in regard to special education
program, procedures and regulations.
Provide information and training to faculty and CSC on procedures and policy.
Disseminate special education information as assigned.