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1342.12 Companion

July 12, 2017

Page 13

parent returns their signed copy as documentation that the school invited the parent(s) to

attend the meeting.


The invitation shall be provided in such a manner as to ensure the parents' understanding

including delivering the notice in the parents' native language; and/or using an interpreter or

other person selected by the parent to facilitate understanding.

Phone/Verbal Invitations

If the initial invitation is communicated by telephone or in conference, the CSC must send the written

Notice of CSC Meeting to the parent as a reminder and documentation of the invitation to the meeting

and place a copy in the student’s file. The school annotates the copy placed in the student’s file to

reflect the date of the verbal invitation and the person who communicated the invitation. This

documentation supports the attempt to invite the parent if the parent does not return the signed copy

of the invitation after verbally agreeing to attend the meeting.

Parent Not in Attendance

If parents do not attend the eligibility determination meeting, a member of the CSC must:


Inform the parents of the assessments and the determinations made by the CSC;


Provide the parent with Prior Written Notice (PWN); se

e Chapter 2

for more detailed

information on PWN;


Provide parents with a copy of the assessment reports and eligibility determination report.

If parents do not attend an IEP meeting, a member of the CSC must:


Inform the parents of the proposed contents of the IEP;


Provide the parent with Prior Written Notice (PWN); se

e Chapter 2

for more detailed

information on PWN; and


Provide a copy of the IEP to the parents. The CSC must seek parental agreement prior to

provision of special education or related services.

Related Services Participation

Related Services are services designed to enable a student with a disability to receive a Free Appropriate

Public Education (FAPE) as described in the IEP and assist the student to benefit from his/her special

education program. Related services must be included in the IEP. Related services may include, for

example, occupational therapy (OT), physical therapy (PT). Related service providers must be invited to

meetings for students with whom they are involved. This includes meetings to discuss assessment

results, determine eligibility, and develop an IEP in which related services have been provided, are

required, or may be considered by the CSC members. Notice of a CSC Meeting may be used to

document invitations to related service providers.

Student Participation

To become independent, productive adults and assume greater responsibility for their

behaviors and accomplishments, students need to acquire the necessary skills for success

in adulthood. Invite students to attend and to participate in their CSC meetings, as

appropriate. Student self-advocacy is especially important during IEP development when

decisions are made regarding the student’s future and transition to postsecondary

activities. Involving students in developing their IEPs helps them in understanding their disability,

individual strengths and needs, and how specific accommodations can help to enhance their lives and

educational setting.