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1342.12 Companion
July 12, 2017
Page 12
: When any of the above activities occur at the end of the school year, the CSC may
decide either to complete the activity at the end of the school year or to complete it at the
beginning of the following school year. This decision should be based upon the individual
needs of the student and should be documented in the student's special education file.
Parent Participation in the CSC
Parents are essential members of all meetings specific to their child and must be afforded the
opportunity to participate in these meetings (in person, via telephone or a form of video conferencing,
by submitting written or verbal input for the CSC to consider). As equal participants, their active
involvement is vital at all CSC meetings including the referral, assessment planning, eligibility
determination, IEP development and/or modification, change of placement, and annual and/or triennial
review meetings. Parent participation is required at the following meetings:
Eligibility meeting (initial or continuing eligibility/re-evaluation
IEP Development and/or Modification meeting
Determinations of a change of placement, including as a result of discipline
An eligibility or IEP meeting may be conducted without parents in attendance if the parents are unable
not to attend or participate by alternate means. Specifically, the CSC may conduct the meeting
without a parent in attendance if either of the following occurs:
The parents give oral or written permission for the CSC to conduct the meeting in their absence;
The parents agree twice to attend the eligibility or IEP meeting and both times do not attend,
without notifying the CSC of their inability to attend. At the second scheduled meeting, the CSC
will proceed regardless of parental attendance; or
The parents refuse to attend despite receipt of timely notice and repeated attempts to
The school must have a written record of its attempts to arrange a mutually acceptable time and place
for the meeting. Notice of the CSC meeting must comply with the section below.
Written Invitation
Records in the student's special education folder must document that adequate written notice of an
invitation to the IEP meeting was provided to the parents. The parents must be invited in writing using
the following procedures:
Notice of CSC Meeting
must be provided so that the parents receive it
reasonably in
of the meeting date. The meeting is scheduled at a time mutually agreeable between
parents and school personnel. Consideration is given to providing parents with sufficient
notification time.
The invitation must include the meeting time, place, purpose, participants, and contact
Send two copies to the parents. One is to be signed by the parent and returned to the CSC
Chairperson and filed in the student’s file. The parent retains the second copy as a reminder of
the meeting date. The CSC retains an unsigned copy in the student's confidential file until the