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1342.12 Companion

July 12, 2017

Page 16

Prior Written Notice (PWN)

DoDM 1342.12

(E)4 (S)19 (p) 47-50

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 et.seq., and The Provision of

Early Intervention and Special Education Services to Eligible DoD Dependents

( DoDM 1342.12 )

requires a

school district or agency to provide PWN (information received in writing), to a parent/guardian a

reasonable time before the school district:




to begin or change the identification, evaluation (including re-

evaluation), educational placement, or provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE)

to a student.

PWN provides clear communication to the student, parent, and school regarding the decisions that have

been made; the basis for those decisions; and the actions that will or will not be taken. The PWN

documents any proposals or refusals with regard to special education matters. PWN will be given to the

parent prior to implementation of proposed actions and prior to the parent signing the IEP. The parent

may want to take a few days to think about the IEP prior to signing the IEP. It is the parent’s decision as

to when they sign the IEP in agreement. An initial IEP cannot go into effect until the parent signs it. For

subsequent IEP changes, the school should seek parental agreement but there is no requirement that a

parent sign an IEP after initial delivery of services.

PWN serves as a record and may be referred to in any number of circumstances, such as subsequent

meetings or dispute resolution situations, or as a clarification and reminder to all parties of

commitments made.

The school district must provide PWN in the native language of the parent or other mode of

communication used by the parent, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so. If the procedural safeguards

notice is not translated into the native language of the parent, then the DoDEA school system shall

ensure that:


The notice is translated orally or by other means for the parent in his or her native language or

other mode of communication; AND


The parent understands the content of the notice; AND


There is written evidence that the requirements above have been met.

PWN is provided when DoDEA initiates an evaluation, finds a student eligible or ineligible for services, or

when DoDEA changes any part of an IEP at an initial IEP, an Annual Review, or an IEP Amendment. Any

parental requests involving identification, evaluation (eligibility), IEP or placement requires a separate

PWN or an additional PWN for each parent request. This is not an exhaustive list.

PWN Content Requirements

The notice must provide:


A description of the action proposed or refused by the school;


An explanation of why the school proposes or refuses the action;


A description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the school used as a

basis for the proposed or refused action;


A description of any other options that the CSC considered and the reasons why those options

were rejected;


A description of any other factors relevant to the school’s proposal or refusal;


Information regarding dispute resolution procedures;


The following statement: