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1342.12 Companion

July 12, 2017

Page 21

Dispute management includes the following: (1) conferencing, (2) facilitated meetings (3) mediation,

and (4) administrative complaints (5) due process hearing. The steps become increasingly formal,

demanding, and expensive. Therefore, every effort should be made to resolve the disagreement at the

most informal step possible.


DoDM 1342.12

E6 S2 p 55

A conference is the quickest process to convene and the most informal. One or more conferences may

identify and resolve the actual or potential special education dispute. The participants in a conference

include the administrator, the parent, the student’s teacher or service provider, and secondary student,

as appropriate.

Facilitated IEP Meeting

Parents have the opportunity to obtain a facilitated IEP meeting. This is an IEP meeting where a trained

facilitator is brought in to facilitate the meeting. The trained facilitator is typically from another DoDEA



DoDM 1342.12

E6 S4 p 57-59

Mediation is a confidential, voluntary, informal dispute resolution process in which the disagreeing

parties (school and parent) engage in a discussion of issues related to the student’s FAPE, in the

presence of, or through, a qualified mediator appointed by the school at no expense to the parent.

Mediation may not be used to delay a due process hearing, but mediation may take place before or

after a due process petition has been filed as long as the hearing has not taken place.

Due Process Hearing

DoDM 1342.12

E6 S5-16 p 59-71

Due Process is the most formal process by which to resolve a dispute between the school and the

parent. A parent after requesting, attempting, or declining mediation, may petition the Director,

Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA), to appoint a hearing officer to decide the dispute and to

issue orders to parents, students, and the school concerning their respective duties. The school should

contact DoDEA HQ if it appears that either parent or the school is considering due process to resolve a

dispute. A mandatory resolution meeting must be held within deadlines set by the DoDM 1342.12 (June

17, 2015) before the due process can proceed

( DoDM 1342.12

E6 S17 pp. 71-71).

Administrative Complaints

DoDM 1342.12

E6 S3 p 55

An administrative complaint may be filed with the responsible agency, relating to the provision of

services under DoDM 1342.12 in accordance wit

h DoDM 1342.12 ,

Enclosure 6, Section 3.