
As we learn to speak and understand any language, we also learn to distinguish between the “parts of speech” that make up that language.
For example, we use different “kinds” of words to serve different purposes in language.
You have learned these “parts of speech” or “kinds” of words in English (or another first/native language) but you may not have thought about how they apply in Japanese.
The MAIN parts speech in Japanese are much like those in English speech, including the following:
Nouns: めいし(名詞)People, Places and Things
Verbs: どうし(動詞)Actions, Occurrences, and States of Being
Adjectives: けいようし(形容詞)Modify, Describe, or Name an Attribute of Nouns
Adverbs: ふくし(副詞)Modify or Express a Relation between Verbs, Adjectives or Word Groups
Particles: In Japanese, there is also a whole group of “connectors” and word “markers” and “conjunctions” we generally lump together and call “Particles” in English. Some of these “particles” have parallel meanings in English, but some don’t. There are a WIDE variety of these used for MANY different purposes!
In Japanese Three, we will review ALL of the parts of speech and kinds of words we have learned so far, including particles, and then adding new and different forms as well.
We will continue a review of the parts of speech in this unit, Unit 2 (Descriptions), with primarily adjectives, but also nouns and verbs that are used to “describe” things in Japanese.
Adjective Conjugation in Japanese: Two Adjective Groups in Japanese
Adjective Conjugation in Japanese is a bit more complex than it is in English, partly because there are TWO main groups of adjectives and each group conjugates differently.
This is a brief review of the adjective groups you will use this year in this course. The two Adjective Groups are important to helping you conjugate adjectives correctly so be sure to learn to “categorize” adjectives into the なーAdjectives andいーAdjectives as you review all of these conjugation forms.
This section will also review how to use Nouns and some Verb forms to “describe” things even though they are not adjectives. It makes sense to review how to use all 3 word forms (adjectives, nouns, and some verbs) to describe things all in one place.
You will use the review provided here and the more-detailed resources provided in the assignment folder for the Adjective Review Worksheet to review all the aspects of describing things.You will review how to properly use and conjugate adjectives covered in Levels I and II, and perhaps a few additional forms to add for Level III depending on what you have studied in the past.
When the Adjective Review Worksheet assignment is completed, you will take the Adjective Review Test to demonstrate your skills.
In general, adjectives that do NOT end in the character い are な Adjectives. There are some exceptions, however, so be sure to read over the “irregular” (exceptions) you’re likely to use in this section.
Some examples of NormalなーAdjectives:
(Quiet) しずか(な)静か(な)
(Free, as in “free time) ひま(な)暇(な)
(Skilled/Good at) じょうず(な)上手(な)
(Famous) ゆめい(な)夢委(な)
(Kind) しんせつ(な)親切(な)
Some examples of Irregular なーAdjectives:
(Pretty) きれい(な)奇麗(な)
(Dislike) きらい(な)嫌い(な)
(Famous) ゆうめい(な)有名(な)
ALL い-Adjectives end in the character い (there are NO exceptions to this!). That is the actual CHARACTER い not just the sound of the “i” vowel. Note, however, that the frequently used adjective いい does have an irregular conjugation (see below).
Some examples of normal いーAdjectives:
(Tall/expensive) たかい(高い)
(Tasty/delicious as in food) おいしい(美味しい)
(Difficult) むずかしい(難しい)
(Enjoyable/fun) たのしい(楽しい)
(Interesting) おもしろい(面白い)
Irregularl いーAdjectives:
(Good/Okay, used in many different contexts) いいORよい(良い)
Other Types of Words Used to “Describe” Things:
This section will also review how other words (nouns and some verbs) can also be used to “describe” things. A few common examples are provided below to illustrate this:
Noun Examples:
(Japanese Teacher) にほんごのせんせい(日本語の先生)
(My friend’s father) わたしのともだちのおとうさん(私の友達のお父さん)
Verb Examples:
(Thin, as in a person is thin/skinny) やせています(痩せています)
(Fat, as in a person is fat/wide) ふとっています(太っています)
Noun and な-Adjective Conjugation
Nouns and な-Adjectives are conjugated in the exact SAME way, so if you can do this correctly for nouns you can do this correctly for なーAdjectives.
Nouns and な-Adjectives conjugate exactly the same (except when combined with a noun they are modifying, which will be covered separately). Both use the various FORMAL forms of the verb “to be” (is, am, are, isn’t, was, wasn’t). Here is a review of those basic patterns. Note that you have some choices on how to conjugate for the negative forms (isn’t, wasn’t).
Please click each link below to review.
Conjugation Choices for Nouns and な-Adjectives:
(Is/Am/Are: Present Positive) です(Informal: だ)Use ONLY the formal in this course
(Is not/Isn’t: Present Negative) ではありません・じゃありません・ではないです・じゃないです You may use ANY of these four options in this course (they are arranged from most formal to least formal left to right)
(Was: Past Positive) でした(Informal:だった)Use ONLY the formal in this course
(Was not/Wasn’t: Past Negative) ではありませんでした・じゃありませんでした・ではなかったです・じゃなかったです You may use ANY of these four options in this course (they are arranged from most formal to least formal left to right)
Normal Noun Examples
(He is a teacher.) かれはせんせいです。(彼は先生です。)
(She is a doctor.) かのじょはいしゃです。(彼女は医者です。)
(This is a Japanese book.) これはにほんごのほんです。(これは日本語の本です。)
(That is an American camera.) それはアメリカのカメラです。(それはアメリカのカメラです。)This can also be それはアメリカンカメラです。(それはアメリカンカメラです。)
(That over there is a Chinese house.) あれはちゅうごくのうちです。(あれは中国の家です。)
Normal な-Adjective Examples
(My mom is kind.) はははしんせつです。(母は親切です。)
(My dad is quiet.) ちちはしずかです。(父は静かです。)
(I am free tomorrow.) わたしはあしたひまです。(私は明日暇です。)
Examples of Nouns/なーAdjectives for Colors
(The car is green.) くるまはみどりです。(車は緑です。)
(The pants are purple.) ズボンはむらさきです。(ズボンは紫です。)
(The hat is pink.) ぼうしはピンクです。(帽子はピンクです。)
NOTE that the Noun and Adjective forms are the SAME for なーAdjectives
NOTE that ALL Katakana colors (and descriptive words) are なーAdjectives
Noun and な-Adjective Forms for Modifying a Noun Directly:
When a noun or な-Adjective is placed in FRONT of the noun it is modifying, then certain changes (particles) must be added to “connect” the two words in the sentence. This is where it’s important to determine whether you are modifying with a “noun” or “adjective”.
For nouns, the two nouns are placed together, but connected by the noun-connector particle の。This MAY indicate a possessive relationship, but it may also just connect two related nouns that are not possessive.
Examples of Nouns Modifying Other Nouns using the Particle の
(My older brother’s child) Possessive わたしのあにのこども(私の兄の子供)
(Your younger sister’s child) Possessive あなたのいもうとのこども(あなたの妹の子供)
(The orange bicycle) Not Possessive オレンジのじてんしゃ(オレンジ自転車)
(English Dictionary) Not Possessive えいごのじしょ(英語の辞書)
Examples of な-Adjectives Modifying Nouns using the Particle な
(Orange Pants) オレンジなズボン
(Green Rug) みどりなゆか(緑な床)
(Pretty Woman) きれいなおんなのひと(奇麗な女の人)
(Skilled Man) じょうずなおとこのひと(上手な男の人)
Connective Forms of なーAdjectives:
Sometimes more than one or a “series"of adjectives is used to describe something. This requires the “connective” form of なーAdjectives to be used. The connective form is DIFFERENT for nouns, なーAdjectives, and いーAdjectives so be sure to compare all three while reviewing Adjective Conjugation!
REMINDER: Series of Nouns are connected with the particle の
REMINDER: Series of いーAdjectives change form to AdjectiveStemくて(The い Is dropped and replaced with く、AndてIs added)―You’ll review this in the next section!
How なーAdjectives are Connected:
All of the adjectives in a series EXCEPT the last one must change adjective form in ONE WAY:
Adjective + で is the connective form
So で is added to provide the connective form for なーAdjectives (で is the connective form of です much likeて is used in the connective forms of いーAdjectives and Verbs).
Examples of Connective Forms for なーAdjectives:
(My hair is green and pretty.)わたしのかみのけは(Orが)きれいで、みどりです。(私の髪の毛は緑で、奇麗です。)
(The movie is serious, famous, and simple.) えいがはまじめで、ゆうめいで、かんたんです。(映画は真面目で、有名で、簡単です。)
NOTE: If the series includes adjectives from BOTH groups you simply use the appropriate connective form for each in the series.
(That child’s hair is long, pretty, and blonde.) その(Orあの)こどものかみのけはながくて、きれいで、きんぱつです。(その子供の髪の毛は長くて、奇麗で、金髪です。)
い-Adjective Conjugation
い-Adjectives do NOT conjugate the same way that nouns and な-Adjectives do, and this group is generally much more difficult to learn and remember. Please take the time to THOROUGHLY review ALL of this section, including the examples.
NOTE: いーAdjectives conjugate in a very similar way to the “want to” form of verbs, so it can be very handy to review BOTH of these at the same time.
Conjugation Choices for い-Adjectives:
Present Positive (IS something…) AdjectiveStem+ い +です
Present Negative (Is NOT something…) AdjectiveStem (minus いbut + く) + です
Past Positive (WAS something…) AdjectiveStem MINUS い + かったです
Past Negative (Was NOT something…) AdjectiveStem (minusい but +く) + なかったです
Normal いーAdjective Examples: (Present Tense Positive) It is Adjective…
(He is a young.) かれはわかいです。(彼は若いです。)
(She is a tall.) かのじょはせがたかいです。(彼女は背が高いです。)
(That car is blue.) このくるまはあおいです。(この車は青いです。)
(That book is red.) そのほんはあかいです。(その本は赤いです。)
(That shoe over there is brown.) あのくつはちゃいろいです。(あの靴は茶色いです。)
Normal いーAdjective Examples: (Present Tense Negative) It is NOT adjective…
(The test is NOT difficult.) しけんはむずかしくないです。(試験は難しくないです。)
(The scarf/muffler is NOT new.) マーフラはあたらしくないです。(マーフラは新しくないです。)
(This ball is NOT black.) このボールはくろくないです。(このボールは黒くないです。)
(That building is NOT tall.) そのたてものはたかくないです。(その建物は高くないです。)
(That desk over there is NOT big.) あのつくえはおおきくないです。(このつきえは大きくないです。)
Normal いーAdjective Examples: (Past Tense Positive) It WAS adjective…
(The party was fun/enjoyable.) パーティーはたのしかったです。(パーティーは楽しかったです)
(The class was interesting.) じゅぎょうはおもしろかったです。(授業は面白かったです。)
(His hair was long.) かれのかみがながかったです。(彼の髪が長かったです。)
(Her hair was brown.) かのじょのかみがちゃいろかったです。(彼女の髪が茶色かったです。)
(That sushi was delicious.) そのすしはおいしかったです。(その寿司は美味しかったです。)
Normal いーAdjective Examples: (Past Tense Negative) It WAS NOT adjective…
(The sofa WAS NOT white.) ソファーは(Orが)しろくなかったです。(ソファーは白くなかったです。)
(My grandmother’s hair WAS NOT short.) おばあさんのかみのけが(Orは)みじかくなかったです。(お婆さんの髪の毛が短くなかったです。)
(My younger brother WAS NOT loud.) おとうとはうるさくなかったです。(弟は煩くなかったです。)
(My jacket WAS NOT yellow.) わたしのジャケットは(Orが)きろくなかったです。(私のジャケットは黄色くなかったです。)
(My dad’s car WAS NOT fast.) ちちのくるまが(Orは)はやくなかったです。(父の車は早くなかったです。)
Irregular いーAdjective Examples: いい・よい(Good/Okay)Irregular いーAdjective
(Is good/okay…) いいです(Or よいです)良いです
(Is NOT good/okay…) よくないです(良くないです)
(WAS good/okay…) よかったです(良かったです)
(WAS NOT good/okay…) よくなかったです(良くなかったです)
Note that this is “irregular” because the い first syllable changes to よ in all but the present positive form of this adjective.
いーAdjective Colors
いーAdjective colors can ALSO be expressed either as Nouns or Adjectives. The only difference between the two forms is the presence of い at the end (meaning it’s い-Adjective form) or the absence of the い at the end (meaning it’s the noun form). See the examples below.
Noun Forms of いーAdjective Colors:
(This dress is white.) このワンピースはしろです。(このワンピースは白です。)
(The sky is blue.) そらはあおです。(空は青です。)
(That flower is yellow.) そのはなはきいろです。(その花は黄色です。)
NOTE that the NOUN Form for each of the examples above does NOT contain the い at the end.
いーAdjective Colors
いーAdjective colors can ALSO be expressed either as Nouns or Adjectives. The only difference between the two forms is the presence of い at the end (meaning it’s い-Adjective form) or the absence of the い at the end (meaning it’s the noun form). See the examples below.
Adjective Forms of いーAdjective Colors
(This dress is white.) ワンピースはしろいです。(ワンピースは白いです。)
(The sky is blue.) そらはおあいです。(空は青いです。)
(That flower is yellow.) そのはなはきいろいです。(その花は黄色いです。)
NOTE that the ADJECTIVE Form for each of the examples above DOES contain the い at the end.
NOTE : Remember that ALL Katakana colors (and descriptive words) are なーAdjectives
Noun and い-Adjective Forms for Modifying a Noun Directly
When a noun or い-Adjective is placed in FRONT of the noun it is modifying, then certain changes (particles) must be added to “connect” the two words in the sentence. This is where it’s important to determine whether you are modifying with a “noun” or “adjective”.
For nouns, the two nouns are placed together, but connected by the noun-connector particle の。This MAY indicate a possessive relationship, but it may also just connect two related nouns that are not possessive.
Examples of Nouns Modifying Other Nouns using the Particle の:
(My older brother’s child) Possessive わたしのあにのこども(私の兄の子供)
(Your younger sister’s child) Possessive あなたのいもうとのこども(あなたの妹の子供)
Examples of Noun Forms of いーAdjective COLORS Modifying Other Nouns:
NOTE that NO particle is needed or used at all in this situation!
(Black Pants) くろいズボン(黒いズボン)
(Red Rug) あかいゆか(赤い床)
(Tall Woman) せがたかいおんなのひと(背が高い女の人)
(Interesting Man) おもしろいおとこのひと(面白い男の人)
Sometimes more than one or a “series’ of adjectives is used to describe something. This requires the “connective” form of いーAdjectives to be used. The connective form is DIFFERENT for nouns, なーAdjectives, and いーAdjectives so be sure to compare all three while reviewing Adjective Conjugation!
REMINDER: Series of Nouns are connected with the particle の
REMINDER: Series of な-Adjectives are connected with で(the connective form ofです)
All of the adjectives in series EXCEPT the last one must change adjective form in TWO WAYS:
- AdjectiveStemい Becomes AdjectiveStemくて
- So いbecomesくand thenて Is added to provide the connective form (Like てーForm Verbs)
Examples of Connective Forms for いーAdjectives:
(My hair is red and long.)わたしのかみのけはあかくて、ながいです。(私の髪の毛は赤くて、長いです。)
(The book is new, big, and expensive) ほんはあたらしくて、おおきくて、たかいです。(本は新しくて、大きくて、高いです。)
NOTE: If the series includes adjectives from BOTH groups you simply use the appropriate connective form for each in the series.
(That child’s hair is long, pretty, and blonde.) その(Orあの)こどものかみのけはながくて、きれいで、きんぱつです。(その子供の髪の毛は長くて、奇麗で、金髪です。)
Graded Assignment(s)
Please return to the Section 4 Tasks & Assignment(s) folder to complete the graded assignment for Section 4.
This completes this section.