practice まちですか。いなかですか。Is it a city or a town?

We began this unit by talking about the differences between city and country living. See if you can identify which place, まち or いなか, is most representative of the following.

くるまが おおいです。
うしが たくさん います。
しんごうが たくさん あります。
いぬが たくさん います。
くるまが おおいです。
ひとが たくさん います。
ひとた あまり いません。
おおきい ビルが たくさん あります。

activity Vocabulary Practice

Practice your ability to compose sentences in Japanese in this activity. You can do it over and over again if you like to help improve your abilities. Click Practice or click Begin below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.

Writing Practice Writing Preparation: "Coming From"

Go to the Section 3 Assignments folder to read the complete assignment instructions and to submit your work.

  1. Post office
  2. Museum
  3. Hospital
  4. Shoe store
  5. Shopping Center

Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 3 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 3, Part B.

Go to Part C