key concepts Can you identify?

See if you can accurately identify these new vocabulary words based on what you viewed:

…の ちかくに
…の とおくに
…の みぎがわに
…の ひだりがわに
…の となりに

Please pay attention to the word order. The word order in Japanese is different from English.

アイスクリームやは ゆうびんきょくの ちかくに あります。

The ice cream shop is near the post office.

key concepts Describing Places

Read the statement and click the Play button to listen. When you finish click each statement to see read more.


tv/presentation Your Town & House

Let's see how you can talk about where the places in your town are in relationship with other places in your town. Watch the presentation. You will complete an assigment covering this information by answering the following questions. Please see the complete instructions in your Schoology folder. Notice that the first one is done for you.

  1. プールは どこに ありますか。 うちの ちかくに あります。
  2. がっこうは どこに ありますか。
  3. スーパーは どこに ありますか。
  4. パンやは どこに ありますか。
  5. としょかんは どこに ありますか。
  6. びょういんは どこに ありますか。
  7. くつやは どこに ありますか。
  8. ゆうびんきょくは どこに ありますか。

Click Begin or click Begin below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.

Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part D.

Now go to Part D