Quadrilaterals and Polygons: Polygons

Regular and Irregular Polygons

The first idea we will discuss is the idea of polygons being ‘regular’ or ‘irregular’. This is important because if we know what type of polygon we have, we already have a lot of information about it.

Regular polygons are polygons in which all sides and all angles are congruent.

Can you think of any regular polygons that you see every day? Here are a few examples:

stop sign

Pedestrians crossing sign

Yield sign

Notice that the sides and angles of each sign are equal.

Irregular polygons, on the other hand, do not have congruent sides or angles.

Can you think of any examples of irregular polygons? Here are a few examples:

Rectangular sign

School Crossing sign

You should notice in the first sign, the angles are all 90° angles, but the sides are not congruent, making this polygon irregular. The second sign has sides and angles that are not congruent, making it irregular as well.