French I, Semester 2, La Cuisine

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C   |   Part D   |   Part E   |   Part F

Section Two - Part D

Key ConceptThings we might want to say about our food
When we eat, we generally respond to what we are eating in a certain way. Here are some things you can say about the food you are eating.

La viande est délicieuse. The meat is delicious.
Le jambon est délicieux. The ham is delicious.
Les crêpes sont délicieuses. The crepes are delicious.
Le pain est sucré. The bread is sweet.
Le gâteau est très bon. The cake is very good.

Remember that the adjective in French must agree with the noun in gender (masculine or feminine) and in number (singular or plural) as you see above in délicieux.

Key ConceptThings related to "la nourriture"
When we eat, there are generally other jobs that have to be done so that we can eat. Look at the pictures to see how we can express some of these jobs in French.

Washing dishes
Set the table
Cook/prepare food

Graded ASsignmentAu travail
Prepare this activity for your teacher. Answer the questions logically in French. Use complete sentences and French you have learned in this course. Pay attention to details. This assignment is worth 20 points.

  1. Est-ce que tu aimes la viande sucrée?
  2. Est-ce que les raisins sont délicieux?
  3. Qui fait la vaisselle chez toi?
  4. Qui met la table chez toi?
  5. Qui prépare le repas chez toi?
  6. Qui débarrasse la table chez toi en général?
  7. Est-ce que tu aimes faire la vaisselle?
  8. Est-ce que tu aimes le café sucré?

Speaking AssignmentDevoir oral
Prepare a recording for your teacher telling your teacher your answers from the Writing Activity 2D. This assignment is worth 12 points.

Avance à la Partie E.

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