French I, Semester 2, La Cuisine

Introduction   |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D   |   Part E   |   Part F

Section Two - Part C

Key ConceptJ'ai soif...
When we are thirsty, how can we say that we are drinking something. We can use the verb prendre, as we have seen used in the pages before this one. But we can also use the verb "to drink" in French. That verb is boire:

boire--to drink
je bois nous buvons
tu bois vous buvez
boit ils

As when we are talking about foods we eat, many times the verb "boire" will be followed by the partitive article.

Je bois du lait. J'aime le lait.

In this example, you see the use of the partitive (du) and the definite article (le). Do you know why both are used in this example?

When we talk about foods or beverages in a general sense, we still will use the definite article. We need to use the partitive when we are talking about having any part of a whole of something. Many times in English, we might say some or any when we use the partitive in French. Many times, however, the English sentence might simply leave out the partitive article altogether. We could say: I drink milk or I drink some milk. In French, you must use the partitive if you are referring to a part of something, in this case, part of the gallon of milk or some milk.

The second sentence uses the "le" because we are simply saying we like milk, which does not need to make reference to some part of it. Please let your teacher know if you are having trouble.

Writing PracticePractice
Look at the picture and then create a sentence based on what the picture shows. First say that you eat or drink the item and then that you like the item. When you finish writing the sentences down in your notebook, click on the picture to see a possible correct response. If you have something very different, it would be an excellent idea to check with your teacher to make sure that you are not doing them completely wrong.



Writing PracticeAu travail ... une fois de plus
Now say that you do not eat or drink the items in the same chart from above.



CultureLe vin
No conversation about beverages in France would be complete without talking about the famous French wines. Much of France's agricultural land is in vineyards. A drive through the southern areas in France reveals that this is what the country loves to do -- grow and harvest grapes. Many families began making wine decades ago and still have family producing their wine to this day. Many French people enjoy a glass of wine with their meals and feel that the wine enhances the flavor of the food they are eating. In addition, many meals are even prepared with wine to bring out some special flavor in the recipe they are preparing.

Speaking AssignmentDevoir oral
Prepare a short paragraph telling your teacher what things you eat and drink and what things you do not eat and drink. List at least five of each and be sure to use the correct constructions. Submit the paragraph in writing and in a recording under Speaking 2C-La Cuisine. This assignment is worth 20 points.

Avance à la Partie D.

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