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1342.12 Companion

July 12, 2017

Page 32


DoDM 1342.12

E4 S2 p 24, 25

The pre-referral process includes identification and documentation of activities designed to address a

student’s learning and/or behavioral difficulties before a formal referral to a case study committee

(CSC). Pre-referral interventions, supportive educational procedures, practices and accommodations

that address the student’s apparent academic or behavioral needs, are implemented and documented

by the teacher or a team. If the concern is behavioral, a Functional Behavioral Assessment is

recommended. This referral information is presented to the CSC should pre-referral interventions fail to

resolve the academic or behavioral needs of the student. The CSC considers the pre-referral

information when determining whether or not to accept the referral.


The pre-referral process may include, but is not limited to, individual educator or collaborative team of

educators defining the student’s challenges and developing, implementing, and documenting

interventions and/or strategies to resolve those challenges.

During the pre-referral process, educators (general education teachers, special education and/or related

service providers, and/or support personnel) may conduct informal classroom observations and consult

with the classroom teacher on implementation of intervention strategies. Pre-referral activities to

determine appropriate instructional strategies for a student (e.g. classroom observation, consultation,

analysis of work samples, review of records) shall not be considered an evaluation for eligibility for

special education and related services and do not require parent permission. However, early parental

involvement is essential

During this time, (1) the teacher or team confers with the student's parents for information and support

in attempting to resolve the problem and (2) vision, hearing and health screening are completed to

determine if vision, hearing or health difficulties contribute to or are the cause of the student's school


Timeframe for Pre-referral Process

There is no set timeframe for the pre-referral process.

A formal referral to the CSC may be warranted when, after the implementation of problem- specific,

collaborative interventions, a student continues to demonstrate learning and/or behavioral difficulties

and, when those difficulties prove to be resistant to the application of the interventions. There may be

situations when it is appropriate to refer the student directly to the CSC.

Referral Sources and Acting on the Referral

DoDM 1342.12

E4 S4, 5 p 26

A referral may be initiated by educators, or educational teams, parents, administrators, students

themselves, and representatives of community agencies. The student’s classroom teacher is involved in

the referral process. The referring agent is invited to the meeting to participate in the discussion and

resolution. When the CSC receives a referral, it is entered into the school’s referral log (student

management data base). The CSC reviews the documentation and determines whether or not to accept

the referral. The CSC must also provide the parent with a copy of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards

upon initial referral or parent request for evaluation.