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1342.12 Companion

July 12, 2017

Page 155


There is one exception; the current IEP is always placed on top.


Alternate Assessment results follow that IEP.


Only one copy of each required letter, form, or report should be maintained in the student’s special

education confidential record. Duplicate copies of the same letter, form, or report should be

removed from the file and shredded.


In general, emails should not be placed in the Special Education Record. If there is essential

information found in emails and synthesis of that information can be compiled in a memo to the

record and signed and dated by the case manager. The original emails can be kept in the Archived


There is one exception

: Emails from parents requesting a specific action be taken by the

school relating to special education should be printed and placed in the Special Education Record if

the CSC determines it is essential information for the record.


When the material in a folder exceeds normal capacity, all information pre-dating the current three-

year re-evaluation shall be removed and archived in a separate envelope (Archived Envelope). Since

the data in this envelope must be readily available for parental review and inspection, it is placed in

an Archived Envelope and housed directly behind the special education file. This envelope is labeled

Archived Envelope: Confidential Student Information and labeled with the student’s name.


Schools must use folder type: heavy-duty, two-sided non-sectioned folders with prongs on the top of

each side.


The file is organized as outlined.

Left Side – Bottom

Right Side – Bottom



(if applicable)

Pre-referral/Referral Forms (to include documentation of SST meetings, pre-referral

information intervention strategies, and screening results)


Incoming records

EFMP paper work

School registration forms containing confidential information

Secondary Six Year Plan

for Graduation

Invitations to CSC Meetings and CSC Minutes

Electronic Student

Summary Report

Correspondence of a confidential nature (requests for additional assistance for

supplementary student support; consultation with VI or HI specialist, etc.; ESY requests;

reports of unavailable related services).

Record of Access Form

Invitation to Assessment Planning meeting (if parent is invited) and PWN/Minutes of

Assessment Planning Meeting

Assessment Plan

Signed Parent Permission to Assess

Personnel Request for Assessment to include referrals for related services

Invitation to Eligibility Meeting

Assessment Reports in chronological order by completion date to include the Review of

Records, SFMH, Vision and Hearing, etc.

Eligibility Report

Eligibility PWN/Minutes

Invitation to IEP Meeting

PWN/Minutes of IEP meeting

Quarterly progress reports – current IEP (cumulative copy)

Alternate Assessment Results

Current IEP




Any other confidential information on the student should be placed in the record in

chronological order by the date of the action.