National Core Arts Standards (NCAS)
Arts Standards
Standards for arts education are important for two fundamental reasons. First, they help define what a good
education in the arts should provide: a thorough grounding in a basic body of knowledge and the skills re-
quired both to make sense and to make use of each of the arts discipline—including the intellectual tools to
make qualitative judgments about artistic products and expression. Second, when states and school districts
adopt the standards, they are taking a stand for rigor, informed by a clear intent. A set of standards for arts
education says, in effect, “An education in the arts means that students should know what is spelled out here,
reach specified levels of attainment, and do both at defined points in their education.”
While the arts were not initially included as a core content area in Goals 2000, they did eventually become part
of the legislation and were the first academic subject to successfully write standards under that Act (though
they were preceded by and profited from standards developed by the
National Council of Teachers of Mathe- matics ).Following the general idea of developing “voluntary” standards for “what students should know and be able to
do,” and in anticipation of the passage of the act, a consortium of organizations representing teachers of
dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts approached the
U.S. Department of Education ,the
National Endow- ment for the Arts ,and the
National Endowment for the Humanities in 1992 for a grant to move forward in this
Standards writers included a review team of arts and special education professionals, led by
The John F. Ken- nedy Center for the Performing Arts ,ensuring that each standard encompasses a broad range of communica-
tion and learning styles. As with other subject areas, a commitment to quality education, equitable opportuni-
ties, and comprehensive expectations is embedded within the new arts standards.
Video: National Core Arts Standards
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