National Core Arts Standards (NCAS)
International Arts Education Standards: A Survey of the Arts Education Standards
and Practices of Fifteen Countries and Regions
International Arts Education Standards: A Survey of the Arts Education Standards and Practices of Fifteen Countries and Regions outlines existing international standards and/or benchmarks for arts education in more
than a dozen of the world’s most educationally advanced countries. This report includes summaries of stand-
ards and practices and includes a cross-referenced chart of common themes and ideas from Australia, Austria,
Canada, China, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, Sweden, United King-
dom, United States, and Venezuela. The arts standards of these countries were identified by NCAS as exempla-
ry resources for the coalition’s writers and reviewers in their upcoming standards revision work. While the lan-
guage used in different nations may vary, most standards for arts education seem to be grouped in three
broad areas:
Both the history of standards in the United States and comparisons with our international colleagues confirm
that a complete education system must include significant and well-designed programs in the arts and that
well-designed standards play an essential role in delivering quality curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Generating/Problem solving; this corresponds to the American formulation of “Creating.”
Expressing/Realizing; this corresponds to the American usage of “Performing.”
Responding/Appreciating; this corresponds to the American “Responding.”