National Core Arts Standards (NCAS)
Arts Education Standards and 21
Century Skills - cont.
Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and innovation are essential for the development of the necessary skills to flourish in the 21
century, as well as to promote essential skills for successful student and workplace achievement.
The arts impact educational change by:
As a pathway to learning in arts education, creative practices include such attributes as flexible thinking,
creative problem-solving, inquisitiveness, and perseverance. Creative and innovative strategies build stu-
dents ability in problem formulation, research, interpretation, communication, precision and accuracy.
Taking the lead in the inclusion of creative practices in instruction;
Recognizing creativity as a tool to learning in other content areas and for influencing many aspects
of one’s life;
Exploring ways to use creativity as evidence in alternative assessments that provide new ways of
showing what students know and can do.