National Core Arts Standards (NCAS)
A Review of Connections between the CCSS and the Core Arts Standards - cont.
Based on the cognitive rigor of the creative practices, the College Board also undertook a study to research ar-
eas of alignment between these creative practices and the
Common Core State Standards in English Language Artsand the
Standards for Mathematical Practice .The findings - presented in
A Review of Connections between the Common Core Standards and the National Core Arts Standards Framework -indicated that the creative practices of investigation and reflection are con-
nected to all ten of the Anchor Standards for Reading, and all four skills—imagination, investigation, construc-
tion, and reflection—were strongly represented in the Anchor Standards for Writing. Additionally, all four crea-
tive practices were found to be aligned with each of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Arts Education Standards and 21
Century Skills
Arts Education Standards and 21 st Century Skills is a College Board analysis of the relationship between the
1994 National Standards for Arts Education and the
21 st Century Skills Map in the Arts ,published by the
Part- nership for 21 st Century Skills(P21). This report offers an analysis of the level of alignment between the current
arts content standards and the skills, lesson examples, and outcomes included in the P21 Arts Map across
three grade bands in the disciplines of music, dance, visual art, and theatre. The arts map, created by the NCAS
professional education association members and released in 2010, identifies creativity, collaboration, critical
thinking, and communication, and nine other skills developed through arts learning.
The 21
Century Skills are reinforced in the standards of every arts discipline, at every grade level, as a primary
component of the standards. The College Board research showing the alignment will be discussed in detail dur-
ing the fall Dana Center Math Training for Specialized Content teachers. NCAS alignment with 21
Skills is a fundamental aspect of the arts standards. When working with the arts, as with most valuable pro-
cesses in our world, students engage in allocating resources, monitoring progress, and evaluating the results.
The 21
Century Arts Map begins with a key observation:
Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation are some of the
identified 21
Century skills. While each of the arts disciplines has its own unique set of knowledge, skills, and
processes, the arts share common characteristics that make arts education powerful preparation for college,
career, and a fulfilling life.