Unit Assignments
In this unit you will complete the following graded assignments:
- Discussion: Introductions
- Speaking Assignment: Alphabet Song
- Writing Assignment: Feelings
- Discussion: Spanish Introduction
- Journal Assignment: Expectations and First Impressions
- Saludos - Introductions Quiz
- Speaking Assignment: Formal Greetings
- Whiteboard Assignment: Gestures
- Tú vs Usted Quiz
- Project: Entrevista
- WebQuest: Hunt for Pancho Villa
- Speaking Assignment: La Cucaracha
- Journal Assignment: Career Investigation
- Preguntas Para Otros Quiz
- Saludos Unit Exam
Please download the unit assignment checklist to track your completion of all major assignments throughout the unit.
You should keep in mind that during the course of this unit, ¡Saludos!, you should spend time doing the following daily:
- Vocabulary activities, just drilling vocabulary (flashcards), at least 15 minutes daily.
- Practicing the alphabet in Spanish
In ¡Saludos! you will also spend time throughout the unit learning to:
- Make accent marks
- Spell in Spanish
- Write Discussion activities
- Understand differences in cultural practices