WebQuest: Hunt for Pancho Villa
Looking at the worksheet below, use the Internet Resources to search for information about the Mexican Folk Hero, Pancho Villa. You will also see some of this information on the Section.
Hunt for Pancho Villa
A Treasure Hunt on Pancho Villa
Use the Internet to research the famous Mexican, Pancho Villa. Below are resources to help you but feel free to use any resource you can find.
- Where in Mexico was Pancho Villa born?
- Where did Villa operate?
- How many times was Villa supposedly married?
- What was Pancho Villa's birth name?
- On what terms did Villa retire?
- Why would Pancho Villa be described as Robin Hood?
- What allies did Villa make?
- What types of movies were made about Pancho Villa?
- Looking at 'Starring Pancho Villa as Himself' and what you read, does this movie fairly represent Pancho Villa?
- Why would it be said that 'Pancho Villa is nowhere and everywhere'?
- Biography of Pancho Villa .
- “Pancho Villa, From Bandit to Military Dictator” – Newspaper Article from the Library of Congress, 1913.
- “Pancho Villa and His Wife Taken in Juarez” – Image from the Library of Congress, 1913.
The Big Question
Compare Pancho Villa to someone of your own culture. Be sure to mention at least 3 supporting details in your comparison.
Download the assignment as a PDF here.
Submit your completed WebQuest to the WebQuest: Hunt for Pancho Villa link for grading.
This assignment may differ from what is required to be submitted, please refer to the assignment folder for this section in the LMS classroom.