unit objectives icon Unit Objectives

After you have completed this unit, you will be able to:

  1. Introduce yourself to classmates and create a virtual community (in English).
  2. In writing: greet, ask where classmates they live, and bid farewell to them in Spanish.
  3. Respond appropriately in writing to a variety of event prompts. 
  4. Speak basic greetings and ask basic questions using .
  5. Recite the Spanish alphabet rhyme.
  6. Appraise the impact of the Spanish language in current commerce, government, social situations in your surrounding area.
  7. Greet and bid farewell to your teacher using usted.
  8. Determine the appropriate usage of and Usted based on the context of a formal or informal conversation.
  9. Speak and write about people in the 3rd person.
  10. Recall facts about Pancho Villa.
  11. Compare Pancho Villa to another figure from your own culture.
  12. Practice proper pronunciation by reciting La Cucaracha.
  13. Investigate and present information from another discipline, using Spanish both within and beyond the school setting. 
  14. Use appropriate gestures in contexts that are unique to Hispanic cultures.

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