Speaking Assignment: Alphabet Song
One nice thing about the vowel sounds in Spanish is that they are very consistent and make only one sound. We all learn a "rhyme" to learn the vowels in English. Do you remember it (A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y)?
Young Mexican children also learn a little rhyme to remember the vowels and the sounds they make in Spanish. A, E, I, O, U. Mi burro sabe más que tú. (A, E, I, O, U. My donkey knows more than you.) Listen to it repeatedly and memorize it. Remember that the vowel sounds in Spanish are always consistent. A makes one sound, not like in English where we have the "A" sounding like "a" in apple, "a" in water, "a" in cake, etc. The vowels make only one sound in Spanish. Listen to the rhyme below until you have it memorized, then complete the assignment below.
Now that you have had time to practice the rhyme and the alphabet, record yourself reciting the rhyme that you memorized and submit it to your teacher.
Submit your completed assignment to the Speaking Assignment: Alphabet Song link for grading.
This assignment may differ from what is required to be submitted, please refer to the assignment folder for this section in the LMS classroom.