This section provides information and examples on the following topics:

Identification Words (Demonstratives)

This/That/That Over There/Which これ、それ、あれ、どれ
This/That/That Over There/Which (with a Noun) この、その、あの、どの
Here/There/Over There/Where ここ、そこ、あそこ、どこ
This/That/That over There/Which (One) どちら、そちら、あちら、どちら

Question Words

Who?    だれ(誰)・どなた
What?  なに・なん(何)
Which? どれ・どの・どちら・どんな
When? いつ・なんじ(何時)
Where? どこ
Why? どうして・なぜ(何故)

NEW Particle Usages:

=Inclusive Particle
=Emphatic, Negative Predicate, Contrastive Particle
=Totalizer Particle

REVIEW and NEW Transition Particles:

それから=And then…

Location Words (Demonstratives)

Demonstratives in Japanese “identify” the location or frame of reference of subjects and topics in various ways following a general pattern as follows:

= This (near the speaker)
= That (near the listener)
= That Over There (not near the speaker or listener)
= Question form when asking a question

A summary of the multiple patterns is shown below, and more details and examples of each set are provided in the click tabs below that.

Summary of Patterns

This/That/That Over There/Which これ、それ、あれ、どれ
This/That/That Over There/Which (with a Noun) この、その、あの、どの
Here/There/Over There/Where ここ、そこ、あそこ、どこ
This/That/That over There/Which (One) どちら、そちら、あちら、どちら

The first pattern expresses the location or frame of reference WITHOUT the noun following the location/demonstrative:

This/That/That Over There/Which これ、それ、あれ、どれ


I want to buy this (near me).  私はこれを買いたいです。
Please show me that (near you)? (あなたは)それを見せてください。(見せて=Show)
How much is that over there? あれはいくらですか。
Which (one) will you buy? どれを買いますか。

The second pattern expresses the location or frame of reference WITH the noun following the location/demonstrative:

This/That/That Over There/Which この、その、あの、どの


I want to buy this wallet (near me).  私はこのさいふを買いたいです。
Please show me that camera (near you)?  (あなたは)そのカメラを見せてください。(見せて=Show)
How much is that shirt over there? あのシャツはいくらですか。

Which shoes will you buy? どのくつ(靴)を買いますか。

The third pattern expresses the location (with frame of reference) of something.

Here/There/Over There/Where ここ、そこ、あそこ、どこ


The book is here (near me).  本はここです。(Or ここにあります)
The car is there (near you). くるま(車)はそこです。(Or そこにあります)
The school is over there (not near me or you). 学校はあそこです。(Or あそこにあります)
Where is the library? としょかん(図書館)はどこですか。(Or どこにいりますか)

The fourth pattern expresses the location (with frame of reference) of a something (usually a person, or a side, or a direction). This is very similar to the pattern just above but is often used in different contexts (especially for people).

Here/There/Over There/Where こちら・そちら・あちら・どちら


This (person) (near me) is my friend Sarah. こちらは(が)私の友達、サラです。(Or にいます)
That (person) (near you) is the new teacher. そちらは(が)新しい先生です。(Or にいます)
That (person) (over there) is my mom. あちらは(が)母です。(Or にいます)
Who (which person) is taking the test? どちらがしけん(試験)をとりますか。


Question Words

This is a review of basic question words studied throughout Levels 1, 2 and 3, but a few alternatives that may be new are included as well. Remember that the “question words” will appear in the question, but they will be replaced with the “answer” in the reply (so they would not be included in the reply statements).

Who?    だれ(誰)・どなた
What? なに・なん(何)
Which? どれ・どの・どちら・どんな
When? いつ・なんじ(何時)
Where? どこ
Why? どうして・なぜ(何故)
How? どうやって


Who is that (person over there)?  だれ(誰)(ORどなた) ですか。
What is your name?  お名前はですか。(Pronounced なん)
What will you read? を読みますか。(Pronounced なに)
Which (one) will you buy?  どれを買いますか。
Which candy will you eat?  どのあめ(飴)を食べますか。
Which (person) is your dad?  どちらが(あなた)のお父さんですか。
Which/what kind of pizza do you like?  どんなピザが好きですか。
When is the party?  パーティーはいつですか。
What time is the party? パーティーは何時ですか。
Where is the concert?  コンサートはどこですか。
Why are you going to Japan?  どうして(あなたは)日本に行きますか。
Why are you not going shopping today?  なぜ(何故)あなたは行かないのでですか。
How do I go from the school to the department store? どうやって学校からデパートに行きますか。

New Particle Usage

In this section, you will learn how to use some familiar particles in new and different ways.

=Inclusive Particle
=Emphatic, Negative Predicate, Contrastive Particle
=Totalizer Particle

REVIEW: You have learned previously that the particle も can be used to express “also” or “too” as what is called an “inclusive particle”. It is translated as “also/too” in affirmative sentences, and “neither-nor” in negative sentences. In these contexts, も replaces particles を、が、Or は (depending on the context of the rest of the sentence). It can also have the meaning of “both” in certain contexts.


You are a high school senior. I am ALSO a high school senior. (Or I am a high school senior TOO.)

I am NOT a middle school student. My older brother is ALSO NOT a middle school student.

BOTH my mom and dad can speak Japanese.

NEW: The particle もcan also have the meaning of “as many/long/high/etc as” where もfollows a number and counter, and it emphasizes the AMOUNT in the sentence. It suggest that the amount given is MORE than was expected.


I was absent from school FOR AS MANY AS three days. (Emphasizing that 3 days is a lot)

I had a fever AS HIGH AS 39 degrees (Centigrade).

NEW: The particle もcan also be used as an “open-ended” counter following a question word counter (like 何度、何人、Etc) where is suggests that there are MANY of the items being counted.


My older sister has been living in Japan for MANY years.

I have read MANY letters today.

REVIEW: You have studied and used the particle は as a marker for the main subject/topic of sentences since the beginning of your Japanese studies. It is sometimes replaced with が in some contexts, and you have learned and practiced that in the past as well.


I live in Japan. (The emphasis of the sentence is not “I” but is where I live)
As for me,” I live in Japan. This phrasing can help to determine when は should be used (in most cases it is used.)

Who lives in Japan? (The subject “who” is unknown and is the focus of the question)

Today is April 4. (The focus of the question is on today)
今日四月四日です。(“As for today,” it’s April 4)

NEW: The particle は can also be used to emphasize a “negative predicate” or “contrast” between two items in certain contexts where a negative statement is made and/or the sentence is showing a contrast between two subjects/topics.


No、it is NOT my book.
いいえ、本は私のではありません。(は is often used to replaceが in negative answers)

There is a test on Monday, but there is not a test on Friday.
月曜日にしけん(試験)はありますが、金曜日に試験はありません。(は is used instead of が to emphasize the CONTRAST of the two parts of the sentence)

The decision to use は versus が can be complicated and tricky as it can depend on very specific circumstances and context, but they are often interchangeable as well.

REVIEW: You have used the particle で in the past for several reasons, including indicating the “location an action is occurring at”, stating a “tool” used to complete an action, or indicating the “means” by which an action takes place.


I study Japanese AT home and school.

I write my Japanese homework WITH (BY MEANS OF) a pencil.

I go to school BY (BY MEANS OF A) bus every day.

NEW: The particle で can also be used to mean “because of” when giving a reason that can be expressed as a single noun (this does NOT work for verbs). It be used with the noun for a reason, followed by the particle で, and then followed by a sentence that describes the “consequence” of the reason. You have already learned how to express a “reason” followed by a “result” or “consequence” that involves a verb expression (that is a different and more complex pattern).


I was absent from school for a week BECAUSE OF (DUE TO) illness.

I am moving to Okinawa BECAUSE OF (DUE TO) my mother’s work/job.

In this section, you will review some familiar “transition” particles/words that occur within or between sentences in Japanese, and learn a few that you may not be familiar with.

REVIEW and NEW Transition Particles:

そして=And… (Between sentences)
それから=And then… (Between sentences)
それとも=Or… (Between sentences)
が・しかし・けど・けれど=But… (Within a sentence or between sentences)
でも=However… (Between sentences)
から・ので=Because/So/Since… (Within a sentence)
から・あと(後)=After… (Within a sentence)
まえ(前)=Before… (Within a sentence)


I am going to Japan this summer. And I’m going to go to Korea also.
I get up at 6:30 am every day. And then, I take a shower.
I plan to go to the pool tomorrow. Or, I plan to ride (my) bike.
I did my homework, but I didn’t study for the test.
I want to buy a new car. But (However) I don’t have any money.
I want to go to China. However, I don’t have free time.
私はちゅうごく(中国)に行きたいです。でも、時間がありません。(OR ひまではありません)
Since/Because I have a test tomorrow, I can’t go to the game.
Because today is Saturday, I don’t have to go to school.
After (I’m done) working, I’m going to a restaurant.
Before I come home, I’m going shopping.
After going to the beach, I went home.