tv/presentation TPR - Let's Get Moving

Remember that for the Let's Get Moving! section, you are to view, listen, then do. Act out these activities and your comprehension will increase. This would be an excellent activity to come back to do over again later as well.

Click TPR - Let's Get Moving or click the button below.


TPR - Let's Get Moving


Review Icon Vocabulary Practice

You should have practiced the vocabulary many times so that by now you are becoming familiar with what the words mean in Japanese. If you have not, please do go back to the Vocabulary tab and do that some more practice before you move on.

Click Vocabulary Practice or click the button below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.


Vocabulary Practice

Recycle Information  Writing Practice

Use the cues given below to practice comparing the itemsusing the descriptions given. Click each link to see a possible response after you have answered each question in your notebook.


Reading Practice Reading Practice

Read the paragraph below and pay special attention to the words in bold type. Try to guess what they mean.

わたしのすきなスポーツは テニスです。しゅうまつ、うちのちかくのテニスコートで それを  れんしゅうします。テニスボールとラケットで それを れんしゅうします。ときどき、かぞくと いっしょに それを れんしゅうします。しかし、ともだちとは よく、それを れんしゅうします。いいラケットがひとつあります。それをつかっていないときは、それを わたしの へやに おきます。それから、ボールもいっしょに わたしのへやにおきます。もし、それを いっしょにおかなかったら つぎに テニスをしたいとき それを みつけることができません。

Can you guess what each それ means? each それ is a direct object pronoun. In the above paragraph, they refer to nouns, without saying the name of the noun again. Their function is to replace the direct object noun. In English, the direct object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, them. Read the paragraph now in English. Many times, in the Japanese language, the direct object pronoun is omitted when it is understood by the context.

My favorite sport is tennis. I practice it every day on the weekends in the court near my house. I practice it with a racquet and a tennis ball. Sometimes my family and I play (practice) it together. But sometimes, I practice it with my friends. I have a very good racket. I put it (the racquet) in my room when I am not using it. It is necessary to put them (the balls) in my room because if I don't, I won't be able to find them the next time I want to play tennis.

Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part C.

Now go to Part D