Vocabulary Practice: Subjects & Verbs
Let’s practice れんしゅうしましょう with new vocabularies. See if you can make a sentence using these subjects and verbs. Click each verb to see the correct sentence.
I/take a bath | わたしは おふろに はいります (私は お風呂に入ります) |
Child / play | こどもは あそびます(子供は遊びます) |
We / sit down | わたしたちは すわります (私達は 座ります) |
Girl / comb hair | おんなのこは かみをとかします (女の子は 髪をとかします) |
Boy / wash face | おとこのこは かおをあらいます (男の子は 顔を洗います) |
Man / stand up | おとこのひとは たちます(男の人は立ちます) |
Woman / sleep | おんなのひとは ねます (女の人は寝ます) |
You / shower | あなたは シャワーを あびます(シャワーを 浴びます) |
Woman / put on make-up | おんなのひとは おけしょうをします(女の人はお化粧をします) |
Dog / rest | いぬはやすみます(犬は休みます) |
Vocabulary Practice
Practice your new vocabulary in this activity. Please remember not to hurry through vocabulary activities. Vocabulary is essential in learning a new language. Click Check for Understanding or click Begin below.
Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.
ふくしゅう:いまなんじですか。What time is it now?
Let's review talking about what time of day it is. Look at the clocks
and see if you can respond to the questions.
What time is it now?
Remember that a.m. and p.m. comes before time. For example, 6:00 a.m. is ごぜん ろくじ and 6:00 p.m. is ごご ろくじ. We usually use kanji for ごぜん(午前)、ごご(午後)、じ(時). A half hour (30 minutes) is expressed with はん(半) . Therefore 6:30 a.m. is 午前六時半。
Remember that in order to add minutes to the time, we simply say the time as follows. For example 6:25 is ろくじ にじゅうごふん(六時二十五分).
There are special expressions for the quarter and half hours.
2:15 | にじじゅうごふんすぎ (二時十五分すぎ) |
2:30 | にじはん (二時半) |
2:45 | さんじじゅうごふんまえ(三時十五分前) |
Science has proven that the more of your senses that are engaged in an activity, the more learning takes place. Doing this activities as you are asked to do will help you to internalize the meanings of the words and will also sharpen your listening skills. So, listen and then do what you are asked to do. The exercises may seem repetitive, but remember repetition is the key. When you finish with this presentation, be sure to take the TPR 1D Quiz.
Click TPR or click Begin below to view and do the Let's Move!
TPR - Let's Move
Graded Assignments
Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part D.