Review Icon Review Verbs

ふくしゅう (Review): Let’s review verbs you have learned.

いきます ( 行きます)  to go
きます(来ます)   to come
かえります(帰ります) to return
たべます(食べます) to eat
のみます(飲みます) to drink
みます(見ます) to see
はなします(話します) to speak
ききます(聞きます) to listen
かきます(書きます) to write
よみます(読みます) to read
かいます(買います) to buy
べんきょうをします(勉強をします) to study
しごとをします(仕事をします) to work
テニスをします                 to play tennis

key concepts あたらしいことば (New Vocabularies)

Look at each picture and say what the student has or is doing in which ever class might be indicated. Write this activity in your notebook. When you have finished writing these in your notebook, click each picture in the first column to see a sample response.

おきます(起きます) to get up
ねます(寝ます) to go to sleep
たちます (立ちます) to stand up
すわります (座ります) to sit down
やすみます(休みます)  to rest
あそびます(遊びます) to play
おふろにはいります (お風呂に入ります) to take a bath
かおをあらいます(顔を洗います) to wash face
はをみがきます(歯を磨きます) to brush teeth
かみをかわかします (髪を乾かします) to dry hair
かみをとかします (髪をとかします) to comb hair
からだをふきます(体を拭きます) to dry body
おけしょうをします (お化粧をします) to put on makeup
ふくをきます(服を着ます) to wear/put on clothes
くつ / くつしたをはきます(靴 / 靴下を履きます) to wear shoes/socks

tv/presentation Your Daily Routine

まいにちのせいかつについて はなしましょう (Let's talk about your daily routine). Click Presentation or click Begin below.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.

practice Vocabulary Practice

Practice your new vocabulary words here before we go on. Click each statement below to see the Japanese translation.

headphones- listening activity Verb Vocabulary

You will remember that we use verbs to talk about what actions we do. The verbs that we will use to talk about our daily routine are slightly different than most that we have worked with.

Look at the vocabulary pictures in the table and see if you can recognize anything different about them as you begin to learn their meanings.

wake up
wake up
stand up
stand up
take a bath
たちます (立ちます) すわります (座ります) おふろにはいります(お風呂に入ります)
wash face
wash face
brush hair
brush hair
comb hair
comb hair
put on clothes
put on clothes
brush teeth
brush teeth
dry body
dry body
apply makeup
put on makeup
go to sleep
go to sleep




have a party
have a party
put on shoes and socks
blow dry hair
dry hair
play in snow
play in snow





Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part C.

Now go to Part D