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Piece It Out (3 of 4)

Drafting Phase I – Laying out the pieces (Body: evidence and commentary)

Click on the descriptions in the Sentences column to see an explanation of the information that belongs in the table and to see an example of how to construct the sentence..

(Note: Only one Support and one Evidence/Commentary section is completed in the chart below. Your completed Drafting Table, which will be turned in with your presentation, must have all 3 support sections completed with 2 or 3 evidence-commentary rows completed for each support.)

Paragraph Part Sentences (Write a complete sentence for each essay part) Types of Evidence Source:
(author’s last name page #)
First Support:
[Focus question #1]
Main Idea Description: This is the main idea of the first support section.  This sentence should answer your first support question from the Question Drill Down Chart. [What is memento mori?]
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Evidence #1
[Detail question]
Description: This is an embedded quote from the evidence table. It answers one of the detail questions related to the first focus question. You must also enter the type of evidence and the source.
fact (The Oxford English Dictionary 987).
Commentary  #1 Description: This statement analyzes the evidence and ties it back to the thesis.
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Evidence #2
[Detail question]
Description: This is an embedded quote from the evidence table. It answers another of the detail questions related to the first focus question. You must also enter the type of evidence and the source.
fact (Carroll 108)
Commentary  #2 Description: This statement analyzes the evidence and ties it back to the thesis.
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