You Want a Piece of This?: Introduction

Have you ever thought about taking the easy way out by cheating? There probably isn't a person alive who hasn't considered copying someone else's work or glancing at the test paper of the person next to him or her. Using someone else's work as your own can be tempting, but students should know that it is illegal.
The thing about cheating is that it seems like an easy way out until it blows up in your face. Watch the clip of the breaking news story of one of the greatest cheating scandals in the history of music. After Milli Vanilli accepted the Grammy for best new artist in 1989, it was discovered that they were lip synching to another group's tracks.
Do you think these singers considered the consequences when they began cheating? Do you think the decision was worthwhile in the end?
Click on the image above to watch Milli Vanilli press conference (1990)
Let's explore the proper way to give credit where credit is due, so you can avoid the MIlli Vanilli walk of shame and present your research project with pride.