Self Check: Works Cited
You will need to access either an online or print version of the MLA Handbook to complete this practice and to complete you own works cited page for this assignment. You may also view the Works Cited Guide (or view the Text Version) for tips on using correct MLA formatting.
Now, practice answering some works cited questions. Use the following source card to answer the questions below.
Location (URL, Library, etc) | |
Author(s) or Editor(s) (Last name, First name) of the Main Source | None listed |
Title of Main Source | National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center |
Author(s) or Editor(s) of the Article or Chapter | None listed |
Title of Article or Chapter | "Media Violence Facts and Statistics" |
City of Publication: Name of Publisher | Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control |
Date of Publication | Last updated 2/28/2008; date accessed 4/3/2010 |

What type of source is this: a book, a periodical, an electronic source or some other type of source?
Because the source is from the Internet, it is an electronic source.

What subtype is the source?
A page of a website.

What is the first part of the entry? What information will you enter in the first slot?
The title of the Webpage; "Media Violence Facts and Statistics"

What is the second piece of information in the entry? What information will you enter in the second slot?
The name of the Website; National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center

What is the third piece of information? What information will you enter in the third slot?
The publisher and date of publication; the Centers for Disease Control, 28 Feb. 2008

What is the forth piece of information? What information will you enter in the fourth slot?
The date accessed; 3 April 2010

What does the entry look like
"Media Violence Facts and Statistics." National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center. Centers for Disease Control, 28 Feb.
2008. 3 April 2010.
2008. 3 April 2010.
You are now ready to compile your Works Cited Page. Don't forget to pay close attention to the punctuation and spacing.