Module 1 Section 1

Interpreting Literature: Introduction

video, written, audio, art a text In this course, you will be looking at several pieces of literature in many different forms. You will be expected to read, analyze, synthesize, and respond to these pieces. When thinking about literature, it is important to focus on the key literary terms within each piece. Sometimes literature will have many terms within it, and other times it will have only a few. As you read and write, you will build upon your skills. You will learn how to identify literary elements and how to write about them. Ideally, by the end of this course you will feel more confident with your analysis and writing skills and can tackle a wide variety of literary selections.

Interpreting Literature

Each module will be organized into sections, each with a unique focus. You will learn skills to help you identify and decode new vocabulary, how to identify and write about various literary elements and devices used by authors and analyze at least one work in-depth. These representative works are known as anchor texts. Just as an anchor helps secure a ship to one place in a wide ocean, these “anchor” texts will allow you to focus on a specific element of a story.

Some of the first literary elements you will focus on include theme, voice, and tone. To determine theme, voice, and tone, we look for clues in the words and sentences the author chooses. We assume the author has made a careful decision with each word that is used. Some literary terms, such as analogy and metaphor, may already be familiar to you. Take advantage of videos, games, and tutorial activities in each section to learn all you can about these ideas, as you will be asked to utilize and identify them as you write!

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