Basic Elements: Creating Melody

Half Steps and Whole Steps

In order to create a melody you first must understand the relationship between pitches, which are called intervals. The smallest interval in music is the half step. A half step is the distance from any key on the piano to the very next key above or below it (black or white). We talked about half steps previously when learning about sharps and flats; a half step is the interval between C and C#.  Another name for the half step is a minor second.

Study the image below. Circled you will see a half step between C and C#.

Piano keyboard with C circled

A whole step is equal to two half steps and will always skip one key. The interval between C and D is a whole step. Another name for the whole step is the major second.

Study the image below. Circled you will see a whole step between C and D. Notice how it skips the black key in between.

Piano keyboard with C and D circles

A musical scale is a series of notes following a specific formula of half and whole step intervals.