Basic Elements: Creating Melody


The intervals discussed previously were all melodic intervals, meaning they describe the distance between two pitches within a melody, a horizontal sequence of pitches. When two or more notes are played at the same time they create a harmonic interval, which is a vertical arrangement of pitches. When three or more notes are played together a chord is created. Chords are another method of adding harmony to a melody.

The most common chord is a triad which contains 3 notes. In its simplest form a triad is made up of two thirds stacked on top of each other. The quality of the chord is determined by type of intervals involved. For example, a major 3rd with a minor 3rd on top of it creates a major triad. A minor 3rd with a major 3rd on top of it creates a minor triad.

Headphones IconListen to the following example of a C triad – the first is a major triad, the second is a minor triad.

examples of stacked triads