ental and Emotional Health: Conflict, Bullying, and Violence

Sexual Abuse and Violence

Teen girl looking worried, teen boy in background

Sexual abuse is any sexual act that is not consensual.  That includes forcing someone to watch pornography, indecent exposure and touching that is not welcome by the partner. 

When intercourse is forced, then it becomes sexual assault or rape.  This also includes forced kissing, pulling or grabbing body parts, and date rape or acquaintance rape.  This is when the victim is unable to give consent because they are drugged, intoxicated, asleep, or simply does not agree to have sex and it is forced upon them.

Sexual Harassment is any unwelcome attention of a sexual nature and is a form of illegal and social harassment; includes from mild transgressions and annoyances to actual sexual abuse or assault.

Incest is sexual abuse of a child by a family member.  It is traumatic to the child physically and emotionally.  The abuser manipulates the child so that the child finds it hard to tell or admit the abuse.