Mental and Emotional Health: Understanding Depression, Suicide, and Death

Coping With Death and Dying

Two hands clasped in a supportive gesture
Helping others cope with grief

Here are some ways a person can cope with grief and help others who are grieving:

  • Spend time with friends and family. Discuss strong feelings like anger and sadness.
  • Join a support group or volunteer to help someone else.
  • Get back to your daily routines, including getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising.
  • Be patient. Healing takes time. Go easy on yourself.

Ways to help someone else:

  • Offer to talk and be supportive.
  • Be honest and accepting; remember that denial and anger are normal stages.
  • Be caring, patient, and understanding.
  • Listen actively and provide statements of hope.
  • If the person seems stuck in the depression stage, encourage him to seek professional help.