Activity: DECIDE Model5 points
The DECIDE Model
Within each module, you will be asked to use the DECIDE Model to make healthy decisions based on the knowledge you are gaining in this class. In the Introduction Module, you will be introduced to this model through an activity that you will complete so that you understand the concept of the DECIDE Model. In later units, you will be presented with real-life scenarios, in which you will use the model to help you make a healthy decision. There will be points attached to all of these activities. This method is a good way to practice thinking about all your options and their outcomes before making real-world decisions.
Download an example of a completed DECIDE Model for a scenario that is similar to the one written below.
Complete the DECIDE Model based on the following scenario.
One of your goals this year is to "step out of your shell" to meet more people, make more friends. This week, a new acquaintance offers you some marijuana. You know it is illegal and you have never taken drugs, but this new guy is popular, and this could be your first chance to fit in. Fill out the DECIDE Model, and come to your conclusion. Points for this activity do not depend on a correct choice, but rather on your ability to weigh out the issue and make the best possible decision for yourself and your health. Now, complete the activity.
In this course, you will use the DECIDE Model several times. For now, create a folder on your computer for DECIDE Model activities and save this as "DECIDE Model Activity 1". Each subsequent DECIDE Model can be labeled 2, 3, etc.
When you have finished, submit your completed assignment to the Activity: DECIDE Model assignment link. Please refer to the DECIDE Model rubric within the Getting Started section of the Orientation module.