Social and Consumer Health

Social and Consumer Health
Social and consumer health involves how people healthfully interact with their family, peer groups, schools and jobs, the businesses they give their money to, and the environment that surrounds them. On a larger scale, social and consumer health involves the prevention and treatment of diseases and the management of the health of large groups of people.

This type of health is all about relationships—relationships between individuals, between groups of people, and between people and their surroundings. As you can imagine, social and consumer health is closely related to mental and emotional health, because the healthier you are personally, the more effectively you may interact in your communities. Strong mental and emotional health allows a person to act and react toward others in ways that allow everyone involved to meet their needs, and this is an important aspect of social and consumer heath.
Social and consumer health includes topics such as establishing and maintaining relationships, maintaining effective communication, preventing and treating disease, understanding and supporting the environment, being aware of community and national health resources, and being aware of choices when seeking healthcare or when buying food and other items of basic need.