Organizational Leadership Role, Competencies, and Indicators

Definition of the Role:

The organizational leader creates, leads, and sustains an entrepreneurial culture that engages the school and community to remove barriers and maximizes resources for student success.


O.1)   The effective 21st Century  DODEA school leader ensures creative, innovative, and flexible use of resources, to include technology to support 21st Century teaching, leading, and learning


(ISLLC 2H, 3B)

Standard 2

An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.


H. Promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning

Standard 3

An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.


B. Obtain, allocate, align, and efficiently utilize human, fiscal, and technological resources

(NETS-A: 1C, 3A, 5A)

1. Visionary Leadership

Educational Administrators inspire and lead development and implementation of a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology to promote excellence and support transformation throughout the organization.

c. Advocate on local, state and national levels for policies, programs, and funding to support implementation of a technology-infused vision and strategic plan

3. Excellence in Professional Practice

Educational Administrators promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary technologies and digital resources.

a. Allocate time, resources, and access to ensure ongoing professional growth in technology fluency and integration

5. Digital Citizenship

Educational Administrators model and facilitate understanding of social, ethical and legal issues and responsibilities related to an evolving digital culture.

a. Ensure equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources to meet the needs of all learners

(MAPA 1.8 , 2.3, 2.4 , 2.5)


Student Achievement: The administrator works with the school community to review data from multiple sources to monitor progress and foster continuous growth of all students under the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan and following the adopted curricular standards.

1.8 Uses technology to improve teaching and learning


Management: Administrators will use performance-driven management systems that operate in a timely, efficient, and equitable manner; place resource allocation and decision-making at the lowest level; and facilitate a safe environment conducive to optimum student achievement.

2.3 Manages facilities and district property and oversees school safety and security programs

2.4 Manages school information technology systems

2.5 Manages human resources and administrative support operations

a)  Optimizes use of time for teaching and learning by creating a master schedule that utilizes the resources of the facilities and strengths of the faculty

b)  Organizes, analyzes and communicates student, program and school performance

c)  Implements various formats for learning to include Video Tele-Conferencing (VTC), virtual meetings, classes, flexible scheduling, banked time, and before and after school opportunities

d)  Demonstrate innovative use of technology tools and resources to provide additional learning opportunities

O.2)  The effective 21st Century DoDEA school leader develops and implements innovative solutions and protocols to maximize safety and security in the 21st Century



(ISLLC 3A,C; 4A, 5B, 5C)

Standard 3

An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.


A. Monitor and evaluate the management and operational systems

C. Promote and protect the welfare and safety of students and staff

Standard 4

An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.


A. Collect and analyze data and information pertinent to the educational environment

Standard 5

An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.


B. Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior

C. Safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity

(MAPA 2.1  2.2, 3.7, 4.2)


Management: Administrators will use performance-driven management systems that operate in a timely, efficient, and equitable manner; place resource allocation and decision-making at the lowest level; and facilitate a safe environment conducive to optimum student achievement.

2.1 Provides fiscal responsibility by completing assigned tasks on schedule and within budget.

2.2 Uses sound judgment and techniques to manage supplies, events, equipment, and procurement 


Continuous Professional Development. The administrator engages the educational community, faculty, and staff in planning and implementing professional development activities that promote both individual and organizational growth and lead to improved teaching and learning.

3.7 Promotes continuous learning


Partnerships and Communication: The administrator uses an understanding of the culture of the community to create and sustain mutually supportive school-community relations. The administrator engages the school community in developing and maintaining a student-centered vision for education.

4.2 Engages in two-way communication with students

a)  Develops partnerships with base/post emergency personnel to conduct scenario-based safety drills and implement inspections in combination with the district officer, works across complexes to problem-solve security issues, and develops teams to help implement crisis plans. 

O.3) The effective 21st Century School Leader manages human resources and administrative support operations and systems


(ISLLC 3A, B, C, D, E, 5C)

Standard 3

An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.


A. Monitor and evaluate the management and operational systems

B. Obtain, allocate, align, and efficiently utilize human, fiscal, and technological resources

C. Promote and protect the welfare and safety of students and staff

D. Develop the capacity for distributed leadership

E. Ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support quality instruction and student learning

(NETS-A 4C, E)

4. Systemic Improvement

Educational Administrators provide digital age leadership and management to continuously improve the organization through the effective use of information and technology resources.

c. Recruit and retain highly competent personnel who use technology creatively and proficiently to advance academic and operational goals

e. Establish and maintain a robust infrastructure for technology including integrated, interoperable technology systems to support management, operations, teaching, and learning

(MAPA 1.6, 2.1  2.2, 2.3 , 2.5, 3.7)


Student Achievement: The administrator works with the school community to review data from multiple sources to monitor progress and foster continuous growth of all students under the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan and following the adopted curricular standards.

1.6 Bases decisions on improved student achievement when determining teacher assignment, course content, schedule, and student curriculum


Management: Administrators will use performance-driven management systems that operate in a timely, efficient, and equitable manner; place resource allocation and decision-making at the lowest level; and facilitate a safe environment conducive to optimum student achievement.

2.1 Provides fiscal responsibility by completing assigned tasks on schedule and within budget.

2.2 Uses sound judgment and techniques to manage supplies, events, equipment, and procurement 

2.3 Manages facilities and district property and oversees school safety and security programs

2.5 Manages human resources and administrative support operations


Continuous Professional Development. The administrator engages the educational community, faculty, and staff in planning and implementing professional development activities that promote both individual and organizational growth and lead to improved teaching and learning.

3.7 Promotes continuous learning

a)  Utilizes technology and human resources to optimize efficiency and streamline daily and seasonal activities

O.4) The effective 21st Century DoDEA school leader understands how to utilize space in and outside of  school facilities in a 21st Century way, creating and utilizing  neighborhoods, flexible classrooms, performance spaces, labs, and satellite locations for digital-age learning



Standard 2

An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.


C. Create a personalized and motivating learning environment for students

(NETS-A: 2C)

2. Digital Age Learning Culture

Educational Administrators create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students.

c. Provide learner-centered environments equipped with technology and learning resources to meet the individual, diverse needs of all learners

(MAPA 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8)


Continuous Professional Development. The administrator engages the educational community, faculty, and staff in planning and implementing professional development activities that promote both individual and organizational growth and lead to improved teaching and learning.

3.2 Provides opportunities for staff members

3.3 Models coaching and mentoring

3.4 Plans remediation or improvement

3.5 Plans and delivers effective training

3.7 Promotes continuous learning

3.8 Professional development

a)  Empowers teachers and students to optimize purposeful and intentional use of facilities, and technology to support project/problem-based, interdisciplinary, and cooperative learning

O.5) The effective 21st Century DoDEA school leader understands how to lead the development, implementation, and evaluation of a data-driven plan for increasing student achievement, including the use of multiple student data elements.


(ISSLC 1b,1c)

Standard 1

An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders.


B. Collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning

C. Create and implement plans to achieve goals

(NETS-A: 4a, 4b)

4. Systemic Improvement

Educational Administrators provide digital age leadership and management to continuously improve the organization through the effective use of information and technology resources.

a. Lead purposeful change to maximize the achievement of learning goals through the appropriate use of technology and media-rich resources

b. Collaborate to establish metrics, collect and analyze data, interpret results, and share findings to improve staff performance and student learning

(AdvancED 3)

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.

a) Create a culture of collective responsibility for all students

b) Use data to monitor the outcomes       

c) Create a culture of collective responsibility for all students

d) Use data to monitor the outcomes of school improvement plans and guide the continuous school improvement process

e) Use formative assessments of student progress at regular intervals throughout the year

f) Use data to make decisions about professional development plans

g) Use data in conversations with parents about student performance and programing

h) Use data to move beyond problem identification to problem solving

i)  Gather additional data to better understand causes related to problems in question

j) Build capacity to examine student data and make sense of it