Self-Assessment and Reflection Continuum

Collaborative Leadership


The effective 21st DoDEA school leader will promote and use social media and other communication avenues to effectively engage, educate and empower the educational community and public

(ISLLC 4B, 4C)
(NETS-A: 3C)
(MAPA 4.3, 4.4)


Effectively utilize appropriate digital and traditional communication tools

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Analyze school use of current school communication tools

Actively involve  stakeholders  to analyze current school communication plan

Serve as a mentor and facilitator of school stakeholder meetings to prepare, analyze, and rate the quality of school communication plans

Accurately  identify internal and external audiences who will receive the school’s message

Design and implement an evaluation of the effectiveness of school communications and stakeholder perceptions of the school




Analyze current communication avenues, tools, and messages



Effectively use a variety of communication tools to create and manage the school message

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Develop formal and informal written and oral communications plans

Implement improvements to current plan and messages based on feedback

Serve as a mentor to one or more administrators in using 21st Century digital communication tools to enhance school public relations and to more effectively manage  the school message

Create a comprehensive school communication plan

Expand the spectrum of communication tools to include more than one new digital tool, channel for 2 way communication, and face-to-face forums


Implement at least one new digital tool to enhance the school communication plan




Mobilize community resources in response to diverse community interests and needs

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Actively promote the success of every student through communication with stakeholders

Lead school efforts to maximize the community’s diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources in support of student success

Build on the collective understanding of the culture of the community to create and sustain mutually supportive school-community relations that build and sustain individual student success


The effective 21st Century DoDEA leader will build and sustain strong and enduring relationships and partnerships with students, teachers, families, command, community, and other stakeholders to provide the best education possible for all students

(ISLLC 4C, 4D, 6A, 6B)
(NETS A- 4D)
(MAPA 4.4, 4.5)


Fosters cooperation and support such as resources, funding, personnel, volunteers, experts

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Build and sustain positive relationships with families and caregivers

Build productive relationships with community partners such as military units, institutions of higher education, and community groups to strengthen programs and support school goals

Sustain meaningful community collaboration and serve as a role model  for staff,  emerging school leaders, administrative peers, and community members


Develops relationships that result in a shared sense of responsibility for student achievement among teachers, parents and students

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Define and communicate rationale and importance of effective shared leadership that provides avenues for shared accountability for student success

Identify and implement innovated shared leadership practices to create a sense of urgency and drive the school forward

Engage in ongoing review and revision of effective shared leadership community relationships that support success for all students

Define and articulate formal and informal structures of shared leadership


Coach and nurture emerging school level leaders to take increasing levels of responsibility, ownership and accountability


Engage in two-way communication that results in mutual respect and effective problem solving

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Utilize social media to establish ongoing two-way communication with stakeholders

Provide digital age leadership and management to continuously improve methods of two-way communication between stakeholders

Establish and maintain the ongoing use of digital age tools to sustain mutually supportive school-community relations


The effective 21st Century DoDEA school leader will foster learning communities for professional collaboration and sustainable student growth to improve student learning

(ISLLC 2A, 6C)
(NETS: 3B)
(MAPA 3.6)


Create a risk free, collaborative and innovative environment for the establishment of learning communities

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations

Ensure all members of the learning community have accesses to a robust, reliable, and flexible learning environment within the school and community while maximizing real-world learning opportunities

Access, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends, needs and initiatives that affect the continued growth and development of the learning community

Advocate for instructional programs that are conducive to meaningful student learning and authentic staff professional growth

Facilitate and participate in learning communities that stimulate, nurture and support administrators, faculty, and staff in the study and use of technology

Develop and sustain a school wide plan for using a variety of technology tools that support teaching, learning and leading

Promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary technologies and digital resources




Guide learning communities to increase accountability, involvement, commitment and growth of stakeholders involvement, commitment and growth of stakeholders

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Engages the educational community, faculty, and staff in planning and implementing professional development activities that promote both individual and organizational growth and lead to improved teaching and learning

Utilize data strategically to promote stakeholder commitment and professional growth

Document evidence that demonstrates increased stakeholder commitment, involvement, and shared accountability for the work of the PLT


Utilize the Professional Learning Framework to effectively lead all members of the professional learning community

Serve as mentor to assist new administrators in utilizing the Professional Learning Framework to effectively lead all members of the professional learning community


The effective 21st Century DoDEA school leader will build and sustain shared leadership for collective responsibility

(MAPA 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8)


Identify and engage emerging leaders to influence the school’s direction

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Demonstrate and articulate understanding of  the importance of effective shared leadership

Engage stakeholders in the critical analysis of shared leadership practices in place

Build and sustain an effective system of shared  leadership opportunities for all stakeholders

Analyze the current model of leadership in place

Identify and implement innovated shared leadership practices to create a sense of urgency and drive the school forward


Solicit stakeholder input for selection of potential effective shared leadership models




Provide leadership opportunities for stakeholders to create participation and ownership
(Grade level, PLC, SILT, SAC, Committees, Student council, PTA‐O, IAC, Dept. chairs)

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Implement at least one new model of shared leadership at the school level

Engage the educational community, faculty, and staff in planning and implementing professional development activities that promote both individual and organizational growth and lead to improved teaching and learning

Empower teachers and students to optimize purposeful and intentional use of effective distributive leadership models

Utilize formal and informal structures of shared leadership


Serve as mentor to assist other school level administrators in building and sustaining an effective model of shared leadership that actively involves all stakeholders

Utilize effective collaborative processes



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